One Way Ticket to The South

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(1 year later)

(Griff's POV)

"Be reasonable Griff" Mason's voice trailed across the table as leaders from different states looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"Believe me I am!" I growled before rubbing my face in my hands, "look I'm honoured, I really am, but I can't leave. Forget the fact that I lost my DAD to Texas, didn't consider that did you? But Texas needs a leader and I can't be that for them, not right now,"I announced to the defeated faces around the room.

"How about we take a break? Let him think about tonight before making his decision tomorrow?" Brandon broke the tension as boys shuffled out of the room and all that remained was Mason, Brandon and I. Her name bounced around the room, threatening to spill out of our mouths, but it's been a whole year of searching and Maya was still nowhere to be found. So when Mason started to open his mouth, I pulled a typical teenager move and stormed out of the conference room. The common area was no longer bustling with people following leads and making phone calls but resolving back to what life was just a year ago, normal. And while searches were still actively being done it was clear many didn't think we were going to find her.

"Griff?" A knock on my door revealed bright-eyed Michael.

"The Santa Claus people are here!" he cried out in joy, referencing how the Ross kids always came with boxes filled with toys, candy, clothes, and anything else we could possibly need.

"Hey guys," I announced my appearance as the Ross siblings looked away from the kids they were playing with and we walked to an empty room.

"How you holding up?" Emma asked subconsciously rubbing under her eyes as her silent way of telling me about my panda eyes.

"Ahh there's just a lot of mixed feelings in my head right now but what's up?" I sighed leaning against a wall.

"Well, we come with news, Maya's dad was spotted..."Luke started as a jolt of energy rushed through me "... in Mexico." And just like that, I sunk back into the wall.

"The PI thinks that Maya's dad probably has connections with border control or immigration so he's able to come and go quickly and undetected," Emma explained as I ran my hand through my hair, trying to keep myself from flipping a table.

"So what? That's it then?" I cried sinking to the ground, "He just kidnaps her to the next country over and I can't do anything about it because I don't have a freaking passport?!"

"Woah woah woah, slow your roll there's more to it." Zuri sat down on the floor with me, "Maya's dad's power only resides in America, so even if he was living in Mexico, let alone with a daughter...."

"People would know!" I finished Zuri's explanation with excitement as they all nodded their heads.

"So Maya's dad's 'reign of power' only really works in America which allows him to stay hidden. I know, sounds horrible but it means that Maya has to stay in the country." Ravi gives his final piece of their findings as hope starts bubbling in our chests. I stood up, dusting the imaginary dust off my pants.

"Okay! So that means they're staying around the boarder right? What state is's like ala..arkan...Michigan?" I trailed off as Ravi shook his head in disappointment but geography was never my strong suit.

"Okay there's no way you can be that off I think we should start donating some tutors cause..." Ravi rambled on, Griff''s lack of effort towards his education a consistent hot topic that always got him riled up.

"We think she's somewhere in Texas, but..." Luke intercepted by slapping a hand over Ravi's mouth as I snapped my head to his direction.


"Yeah, the yeehaw state with the cowboys and all, ever heard of it?" Zuri answered sarcastically but I didn't mind, I just couldn't believe how well everything was fitting together.

"Great, guess I'm moving to Texas." I exclaimed hopefully as the Ross sibiling's eyes practically bulged out of their heads.

"Just like that?"

"Well they did ask me to run the Lost Boy's Texas division literally a few hours ago, but yeah, just like that," I grinned, "I'm gonna miss you guys."

"Hey, we're only ever going to be a phone call and a private jet ride away." Zuri lightened the mood, pulling me into one last group hug for the road.

Texas here I come.

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