Chapter 2

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A few weeks later..

Josephine's pov:
'Come on, please, it will be fun!' I tug at his wrists and gently knock my head into his chest. Suddenly his arms tighten around me to prevent my movement.
'Jo you're only like 6 weeks pregnant, what's the rush?' He complains, frustrating me further.
I squirm under his grip in an attempt to free myself but fail. He sighs, releasing his hold on me. I straighten my skirt and adjust my top so I don't like quite so bloated. It feels silly being conscious over this.. I'm pregnant after all.
'Stop that.' He says.
'Trying to iron out flaws you don't possess.'
'Oh look at you with your fancy vocabulary' I reply with a laugh. He furrows his brow.
'For someone who never reads, Mr Fiennes Tiffin, you're certainly well spoken.'
'Oh so ignore my compliment then?' He pulls me into a gentle embrace this time and I smile into his sweatshirt. His cologne smells amazing.
'Thankyou.' I eventually say, 'It's just strange gaining weight so fast.' I admit.
'You look perfect, baby.' He says, blushing. I tease him a little but kiss his cheek to keep him calm.
'But we've gone off track here. We're going!' I say with assertion. Hero groans but picks his phone and keys up from the dresser.

Hero's Pov:
20 minutes later we arrive at the store, and I hold her hand tightly as we walk inside. It's not so busy today, which I'm thankful for. I prefer when it's quiet.
'It's so early to be buying this stuff.' I comment, as Jo runs her hand over the cloth material baby clothes.
'Says the guy who's already turning the guest room into a nursery and in the middle of building a crib.' she chirps back.
I have no clever response so I just roll my eyes and smile at her. I guess she's right. We're both excited to have this child, and it's good to be prepared so that nearer the time we can both relax.
'You know, if we just waited until after the gender reveal scan..'
'Hero, we've been through this. I want it to be a surprise.' She says, eyeing the rattles and other toys on the shelf.
'But then we wouldn't have to buy two of everything!' I protest, knowingly winding her up even further.
'It's not that expensive.' She replies, flatly.
'And plus, who says that if it's a girl she can't wear blue?'
I just shake my head and try not to smile.
'It's 2024 Hero.' She says, in the most serious voice she can. I can't help but laugh quietly at her. She's really not letting me get to her today. I guess this trip is really important to her.
'Hey jo, how about this?' I ask, pushing a toy doll in her face.
'That thing's so creepy.' She says, dismissing me. 'And besides, it's weird for a baby to play with another baby- a fake one.'
I nod in agreement and smirk at her. Obviously, I wasn't being serious.
'Aw Hero look at this.' She squeals, showing me a small cuddly rabbit. I feel the soft material and am immediately imagining our baby sleeping peacefully with this toy.
'Let's buy it.' I reply, without another thought.
Jo celebrates silently to herself and places it in the trolley gently as though it's a China teapot or something. That's my girl.
'Hey how much are those bottles?' I ask, at the same time scanning the shelf for baby hats.
Jo leans over to check, but then she stumbles backwards, and luckily I'm there to catch her.
A tall guy with glasses stands there, unsure of what to say. Fucking careless shit, knocking into my wife like that.
'Look where you're fucking going!' I half shout, anger boiling up inside of me.
'I'm sorry, I—'
'She's pregnant you asshole.'
'Hero, it's fine, it was an accident.' Jo tries to calm me and clutches at my tense arm, as though she's concerned I'll launch at this dude.
He spits out another 'sorry,' before hurrying down the aisle. I keep my eye on him until he's out of sight.
'You can't just flip out on people like that!' Jo says after a moment of silence.
'He could have really hurt you if I wasn't stood here.' I reply in a flat tone.
'Yeah well you were. He clearly didn't see me.'
'Don't defend him. He should've been more careful.'
'Whatever, let's just go pay for this stuff.' She says, avoiding eye contact. I decide not to argue and follow her to the checkouts.

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