Chapter 14

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Hero's pov:
When I'm off the phone to Elizabeth having told her the news about Jo's phone, I notice some familiar faces walking in my direction.
I instantly recognise Clara for her deep red highlights amongst her brunette hair, accompanied by her husband, Roger, who is wearing a green sweater and navy trackies- an odd combination. I ignore his poor clothing choice and stay out of their sight for a moment to observe their behaviour. Right now, im suspicious of almost everyone around me. Clara being Jo's friend doesn't stop me from thinking she may have something to do with this.
Roger heads into the shop and leaves Clara to wait outside, and I know this is my chance. I don't have long.
I approach her with a fake smile.
'Hero.. hi?'
'Yeah, hi.' I spit, walking into the space between the shop and the next building gesturing for her to follow. I only have good intentions here. Of course, I would never harm her, or anyone for that matter. Unless it's a guy who has done something to deserve it. Or more specifically, the fucker who took Jo from me.
'Listen, I don't want to argue so I'll be straight with you. Where is my wife?'
'Hero, if I knew something I'd have told the police.' She says, integrity absent from her eyes. She's not at all giving a convincing performance- her tone is whiny while her words are hollow. They go right through me, hardly striking me as anything to rely on.
'I'm not playing games. I know you know something.'
She just looks away.
'Clara. We've both seen the tape. Who is that guy in the video?'
'I don't know, I—'
'No more lies!' I half shout.
'Okay, okay.. Jo got in a cab with him.'
'You what?' I breathe, shock coursing through me.
'I don't know, I kind of thought maybe.. something was going on. Between them.' She pretty much whispers the last two words and I shake my head from confusion.
'You saw her get in a cab with that guy? And you don't know who he is?'
She opens her mouth to respond but we're interrupted by a deep voice.
'Clara? What's going on here?'
'Nothing, Roger.' She says, her voice unsteady and her hands quivering. Is she scared of him?
To my greatest surprise, she hugs me.
'Don't worry Hero. I miss her too. I'm sure she'll be home soon.'
'Uh, thanks.' I stutter, scratching the back of my neck. Why is she covering for me? This is all too much for me to comprehend. Is she trying to hide something from him?
My questions only continue to multiply in my mind as Roger quite roughly grabs her by the arm and pulls her away from me.
'I'll see you around, Hero.' He says plainly, and then the pair of them are gone.

I remember why I'm actually here and enter the shop myself. It's really quiet in here, to the point I'm fully convinced the world is doing this to me on purpose- trying to drive me mad, leaving me in silence, only to allow my fears to torture me further. Let me think about Josephine until it's no longer bearable, to the point my skin is screaming because I miss her so fucking much. The feeling is indescribable in the worst way, it's like my insides are constantly fighting to eat their way through my flesh, to leave me just as empty as I am without her, and yes, it is more grim than it sounds. It hurts like hell and it's only my imagination.
'Are you okay?'
'You're sweating, and you're.. on the floor.' The shop assistant says as I become aware of where I am.
Did I just have a.. panic attack? What the fuck.
She helps me to my feet and almost topple over again.
'Are you okay?' She asks again, 'you need me to call somebody?'
'No, no. I'll be fine.' I reply and start to walk away slowly, until I'm back outside, aimlessly wandering about the streets. No care as to where I end up. I just know that if I am to get through this I have to keep moving, I can't stop. Just keep walking. The sky spins and I'm not sure if I'm going backwards or the path is getting further and further away until my senses go numb and the world is but a quiet humming sound.

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