Chapter 20

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A few days later..
Hero's Pov:
'Thanks for having him.' I say, taking John from Elizabeth's arms.
'It's okay, love. He really is welcome any time. And besides, you enjoyed your sleepover, didn't you?' She shakes John's tiny hand and he smiles.
'I wouldn't normally ask, it's just I've really struggled to sleep recently, and with him waking up every 3 hours—'
'Hero, it's okay- honestly.' She interrupts, putting me at ease. I do feel bad leaving him here all the time, but Stephen and Elizabeth are the best grandparents to John, and there aren't many others I would trust to look after him for me.
'Is your Mum here yet?' She asks, buttoning up her cardigan.
'Yeah she just texted to say she's checked in to the hotel.' I reply, twiddling John's wispy hair around my fingers. I'm sure he's going to have more of a Jo look about him.
'Well go and see her! I'm sure she's missed you. And she'll be so pleased to meet John at last!'
'Yeah , you're right. I'll see you later, thanks again.'
'No worries.' She smiles, opening the door for me.
I carry John to the car and strap him in, before entering the hotel's postcode that Mum texted me. I don't think I've been to this one before, but all I know is I'll be glad to see my Mother again. We've always been close and this is the longest I've gone without seeing her.


'Hero, darling!' She greets me as the door opens.
'Hi, Mum.' Is all I say, accepting her hug with one arm, holding John in the other.
'And who is this little guy?' She almost squeals.
'This is John, our son.' I say, holding him out to her.
She willingly scoops him up and cradles him.
'I'm so glad I'm finally meeting him.'
'I am too.'
'So, do the police have anything new?' She asks, while admiring her adorable grandson.
'No.. but they are trying their best, I think. I'm gonna keep looking for answers today.'
'Well, yeah. I was wondering if you could look after John for a while. You know, spend time with him and get to know him.'
'Well, of course. I'd love to help.' She replies.
'Great! Here's his bag with all his things- I'll be back in a few hours.'
'Okay, dear—'
'Thankyou Mum, I love you.'
'Uh, I love you too, son.' She says as I exit the hotel room and speed walk down the corridor to the elevator. I know exactly where I have to go. Somewhere with some real information.


'What can I get ya ?'
'Just a coke for me, please.' I reply, eyeing the familiar pub. The atmosphere, still, just feels so wrong. Like there's darkness hidden beneath the smiles of the staff working here. I can't really explain fully how it makes me feel, but I think my subconscious knows that Jo was taken from here, and that it's not a safe place, at all.
I'm snapped out of my strange thoughts when a glass lands on the wooden surface in front of me.
'Thanks,' I reply, bringing it to my lips.
'Hey, do I know you from somewhere?'
I sigh.
'Yes, I'm an actor.' I say, trying not to emphasise the last word.
'No, no. You've been in here before with your wife. Her name is.. Josephine!'
Suddenly I'm a lot more involved in this conversation. She's caught my attention with only her name.
I try to read her expression, tell if she's someone I can trust or not. But I decide, anyone who can tell me something about my wife's disappearance is someone I will listen to, no matter what.
'Yeah, that's her. Haven't you heard, she's missing?'
'Oh shit, I'm so sorry. I heard a few of my mates talking about some kind of kidnapping, but I didn't realise it was your wife. I'm sorry.'
She seems panicked.
'It's alright.' I say.
'Yeah, I definitely know you. I saw you in here last year, and I remember it because Josephine was so drunk.'..

'One more drink?' Jo asks me, getting out of her seat.
'Josephine, you'll be crawling home if you drink anymore. I'm not sure I can carry you all that way.' I tease her.
'I can walk fine!' She says, stepping out from behind the table in her silver heels, but just proving me right by toppling over.
'I'm fine!' She giggles uncontrollably, reaching her hand out for me to help her up.
I do so, having a little laugh myself. I've had too much drink to be able to drive, but not enough to really feel the influence of alcohol. I'm aware of all my actions, where I am, what I'm doing. Jo, however, is smashed.
'Excuse me? Would you like me to get her some water?' The girl behind the bar asks me.
'Yeah, if you don't mind. Maybe it'll settle her a little before I attempt to walk her back home.' I smile, accepting the cold glass of water from the bartender.
'Is she.. okay?' She asks, pointing at Jo who is laying her head on the table and tapping her hands on it like it's a drum kit.
'She'll be fine. Nothing I'm not used to. Thanks by the way. Sorry, I'm not sure I know your name?'
'It's Tia.' She smiles, shaking my hand.
'Thankyou, Tia.'
I feel something touching my leg, and I turn around but see no one until I look down at Jo, on the floor again, tugging at my jeans.
'Who are you talking to?' She whispers, making me chuckle.
'Jo, this is Tia, she got you some water.' I say in a slow, patronising tone, Tia joining me in laughter over my wife's drunken state.
I help her off the ground once again, and hand her the cup. She frowns at me, before tilting her head back and tipping the glass directly upside down. Only a small amount actually ends up in her mouth, while the rest drips down her dress. Oh my lord.
'We might need a few more of those.' I say, placing the empty glass on the bar top.

'Oh shit. Tia, is it?'
'Yeah, that's me. Sorry, what's your name?'
'I'm Hero.' I say, reaching my hand out for her to shake.
'Nice to meet you.. again.' She laughs, showing the same friendliness as I remember her having on that night last year.
I fill Tia in on a small amount of what's happened, the date Jo was here, the phone being tracked, her friend going missing too.

'Wait, I was working that night.' She says, looking up at me with a concerned expression..

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