Chapter 22

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Trigger warning: abusive nature, semi-violent. Sexual assault. Please don't read if you or someone you know is affected by these issues. Thankyou and love you all x

Josephine's pov:
'What do you want from me?' I ask, trying not to show my fear.
'We're done talking here.' He says in a rough, hoarse voice.
'But I don't understand.. I'm weak. What use could I possibly be to you? Why aren't I already dead?' I question, my words slow and separated. I've been force fed once or twice but it feels like I'm starving. My mouth is dry from lack of water and I feel exhausted from doing nothing but sitting here.
I am broken.
'It's not up to me to kill you.'
'You don't want me dead?' I ask, a little louder this time, trying my best not to gag from my own words.
'No.. I, I don't.'
'Do you have feelings for me, D?'
'Shut up.'
'It's just that after what happened the other night, I think I'm starting to catch some myself.' I bite down on my lip after swallowing down the bile rising in my throat.
The thought alone is enough to make me grow pale with disgust, and I wish I could cry. Images flash through my mind. Those haunting images that I can not forget and fear I never will..

'No, please!'
'You know you want it..' he slurs, clearly wasted.
I hear the ripping of fabric as my underwear is torn away from my body. I try to switch off, take myself away from this place, but nothing works. I try to scream but nothing comes out. I try to fight but he hits me across the face.
I'm forced down and I couldn't move if I tried. This isn't happening. Terrified, I freeze, giving up and knowing my life will soon be over. And I sure wish it could end right now. Silent tears roll down my face as thoughts of getting my life back drift further away.

'You.. you liked it?' He asks with a sly grin.
'Yep. You bet.' I lie through my teeth, hoping my acting ability will come through despite this shit I've landed myself in.
'Let me prove it. Untie my hands and we'll fuck again.' My words fly out uncontrollably, my need to get out of here taking over. This is the only plan I can think of.
Of course, I would never have sex with this man willingly. I fucking hate him and would gladly see him dead. I love Hero and I'd rather die than do anything more with this fucking asshole holding me in this hell.
'Uh-uh. First, you've gotta prove yourself.'
'Prove myself?' I ask, dreading what he'll say next.
'You heard me.' He says, and I try not to flinch as he walks closer to me until I'm staring at his midriff. He unbuckles his leather belt and pulls them down partially, and then I try not to throw up when he reveals himself in front of me. I remind myself why I'm doing this. It's the only way I can distract him and get myself out of here.
'Well, go on then, bitch.'
Shamefully I lean forward and brace myself. Come on Jo, there is no other way, I repeat in my head. As I reluctantly and slowly begin to open my mouth, something from behind me jerks my head forward onto him, and I realise he's used his hand to force me. My mouth envelopes his revolting skin, and tears gather in my eyes. I can't believe I'm doing this. Doing this to Hero.
'Oh shit, I need your hands.' He says after literally two seconds.
Nothing weaker than a horny dickhead of a man.
Once my hands are untied, I stand up and push him towards a wall. He seems pleased, not knowing what's about to hit him.
I take no prisoners as I boot him hard right in the balls and see him fall to the ground.
'Fuck you!' I scream, crying now, before turning and running. Not looking back.
I try to remember where I'm going, which is harder in the dark and I find that I'm not running as fast as I know I can. I'm malnourished and weaker than I've ever been. I  don't have the energy to sprint, but I keep going.
When I reach the door I fumble with the many locks on the inside until it's loose. I hear shouting from somewhere else in here, getting closer and so I don't wait another second.
I take off into the surrounding woods, unsure of where I actually am or what direction to go. In this distance I can see car lights. There must be a road nearby. I keep going with every last bit of my strength until I can see the road, cars on it.
I wave my arms as a car passes but it doesn't stop. And before I can go any further, i feel an impact hit the back of my head, and my world goes black, taking away any last hope I thought I'd found.

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