Chapter 16

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Hero's pov:
Within moments of opening the small diary, I'm engulfed in Jo's writing, hooked on her precious words..

I was nervous today. We filmed a really important sex scene in the office for after we collided. It's so weird. I know I'm kissing Hero. But I have to be Tessa kissing Hardin. It's so hard to explain because people think it's easy filming scene with your real life partner. Well, no matter how easy our chemistry comes, it's still strange to me. It's like he's not Hero, anymore, when he's acting. He's so talented that sometimes I feel I'm really with a moody guy named Hardin.
Every time we cut, I'm relieved to come out of character briefly, even if I keep Tessa's accent to stop me from losing it half way through a scene. Hero always assures me that our after movie lives are separate from our personal lives, for which I am thankful.
Sometimes in an intimate scene like this, I just try to block it out, shut my eyes and imagine I'm at home with Hero. That way, it looks like we're in love on screen in the same way we are in real life. In moments like that, we're Hero and Jo. Although of course, in real life he'd actually be fucking me and I wouldn't be doing a mock humping action on his lap.
He makes me laugh when he moans at me for looking too hot. He says it's hard for him to keep it down when we do these scenes. Strictly professional as he would say.

I smile at the memories and flick forward to a different page.

We wrapped After ever happy today. What a way to spend 4 years of my life. Honestly, I wouldn't have had it any other way. I was so emotional knowing we'd reached the end. It felt wrong not having Anna there but I'm glad her and Castille kept in touch so she could be heavily involved once again like in the first two movies. After all, I wouldn't be where I am today without the after books, which Anna write. Hero did the speech for the video because he knew how upset I was. I tried my best to smile for the camera but I just wanted to cry. I can't believe we just filmed the last after movie. No more! Where has the time gone? I miss it already in all honesty. I think the most special thing about it is how it brought me and Hero together. I am so grateful for what I have with him and I just know fate brought us together.. or maybe just good casting. The fans should probably find out soon. It's not like they'll have any more fan events to see us both together at. So it's not such a problem anymore. All I need is Hero and I know I can get through anything. We can. I love him so much.

My heart melts and I almost forget she's missing. It's like she's sitting here on the bed next to me, reading the diary aloud so I can listen to her sweet words. I'd do anything to go back to that exact day. Everything was so easy back then. And now I'm here, alone. God, please let me go back to me and Josephine together. I don't know how much more I can take. I close the diary, making a mental note to read the rest another time and pick up the small juice carton. I'm not a huge fan of orange but I know I need the sugar and energy, so I drink the whole thing in under a minute. There isn't much in those cartons anyway.
The nurse pushes the door open and comes in to do some checks on me, to which I sit in silence for and wait for them to be over.


'You sure you're okay to drive?' Elizabeth asks, handing me back John as I step out through her front door.
'The hospital said I'm fine.'
'No, they said you should take it easy.' She corrects me, placing John's pastel blue hat on his little head.
'It's not a long drive, and I promise I'll sleep as soon as I get home.' I tell her, meaning it.
She nods slowly and forces a smile. I know her strong facade is starting to crumble, Jo being gone is starting to take its effect on her now.
'Thankyou, for everything.' I tell her, and turn to leave, securing John in his car seat and then starting up the engine. Maybe I'm not as invincible as I thought. I'm not giving my body what it needs to live and it's fighting back.
It's now that I'm vowing to look after myself properly from now on. I have to be healthy if i am to find my wife before it's too late. There's no way i will let a panic attack beat me.

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