Chapter 10

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Hero's Pov:
Once I've fed John, I drive over to Elizabeth's house. It's only right I keep her updated with what's going on, and to be honest, I could do with a chat right now, with someone who gets it. Someone who misses Jo as much as I do.

The door is unlocked so I let myself in, as Elizabeth always tells me off for knocking.
'You're welcome any time' She always says when I arrive.
'Elizabeth, you here?'
'I'll be right down!' She calls from upstairs, so I head into the living room and take a seat.
After about 5 minutes she appears in the doorway with two mugs of coffee.
'Stephen will be back from his night shift soon.' She says, setting the cups down.
'He's so worried about Jo, but he's been caught up at work and struggled to get home.'
'I get it. I just hope we find her soon. I can't imagine how I'd cope if I ever lost John. I hate to think how Stephen is feeling right now.'
Elizabeth puts her hand on my shoulder in a comforting notion, which makes me miss my own mother. It feels like I haven't seen her in ages.
'Hero you look totally drained. When was the last time you ate?' She asks, clearly concerned.
'I don't know. Yesterday lunch time I guess.'
'You must be starving! I know you're worried about Jo, I am too. But you have to look after yourself. I'll fetch you some toast.'


I bite into the toast and hear the crunch of the outside, tasting the soft bread on the inside. The sweet Jam melts on my tongue, and I must admit I'm grateful for this. I did need food. I can't neglect my body at a time like this. I need energy, especially since I haven't slept.
'Is it alright? Do you want anything else?' She offers.
'Nope, this is great, Thankyou.' I reply, managing a smile. It feels wrong showing signs of happiness while my wife is missing.
'I called the police earlier..'
'And?' I ask, almost too quickly.
'I filed a report. They weren't going to stop me with some 24 hour bullshit.'
She glances down at John in his baby carrier and immediately covers her mouth.
'I'm sorry, I need to watch my language.' She says and I shake my head.
'Don't worry about it.'
'So is there anything new? Anything at all?' She asks, raising her mug to her lips.
'I spoke to Jo's friend Allison earlier. She doesn't know anything.' I sigh.
'Doesn't know anything, or won't tell you?'
'I'm not sure yet. The pub opens in a half-hour and I'm going there next. Hopefully the staff may have seen something or can at least tell me what time Jo left.' I tell her, before drinking the remainder of my coffee.
'That sounds like a good idea. And now we've got the police helping us too.'
'Yeah that's one way of putting it.'
'I'm just saying, no one is as desperate to find her as I am. Certainly not the police.' I say, rubbing my temples with my thumbs.
'I get how you're feeling Hero. We just need to hold ourselves together.. for Jo.' She says, stretching out her arms.
I accept the hug just as John starts to cry.
'I think he needs his milk.' I say, picking him up and rocking him in an attempt to calm him down.
At that moment, the door opens. 'Elizabeth? Oh, hiya Hero.' Stephen says, shaking my free hand.
'Any news?' He asks, worriedly.
'Nothing of any help at the moment, I'm afraid.' Elizabeth answers for me.
'What's the time?' I ask, kissing John's forehead.
'Just gone 9.' Stephen replies, checking his watch.
'Great, the pub's open.' I say, picking up my keys off the sideboard.
'Hero, why don't you let us take care of John?' Stephen asks, 'a pub is no place for a baby.' He gives me a small smile.
'Would you mind, Elizabeth?'
'Well no, of course not. But I thought he needed his milk?' She says, while clearing the plate and mugs off the table.
'Oh shit, yeah. I guess I'll have to take him home first.'
'No, don't be silly. Hero, you go straight to the pub. Liz, I'll stay here with John and you can run to the store to grab some milk for him.'
'Sounds like a plan.' She replies, 'I'll just go and get my purse.'
'Thankyou so much, Stephen. This means a lot.'
'It's no problem.' He says, taking John from me and rocking him gently.
When Elizabeth reappears, I follow her to the front door. She leaves first, and just as I'm about to, I stop in my tracks.
'Yes, Hero?'
'I promise you, I will do everything in my power to find your daughter. I will bring her back to you. You have my word.' I vow, sincerity obvious in my tone.
He just nods in response, a tear in his eye. I smile, and head back to the car, knowing what I have to do. There are clues somewhere, I know it. I just need to find them..

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