Chapter 9

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Hero's Pov:
The hours go by faster than I'd like them to. The more time that passes, the more hope I lose. I fear that this time is crucial. I have to find her.
The clock turns 5am, and then 6- still no sign of her. I've been driving around all night, turning every corner. No luck whatsoever.
I know I have to get some answers. Then it hits me, her friends have to know something. Why didn't they all get a cab together?
John is waking up now, right on schedule. I'm thankful he slept the whole night though. It's like he knows I'm under stress, and he wants to help in the only way a baby can.
I reach one hand out to his side of the car, and his tiny hand grips my finger.
John shakes his other hand around, seemingly enjoying the car ride. Little does he know what's really going on. His mother is missing.
I stop for fuel at 6:30, bringing my son inside the little shop with me. I don't like leaving him for too long alone, especially when there's a lot of people around. I grab a pouch of his favourite baby food, deciding we'll eat breakfast on the go. I will not stop until I find my wife. I already phoned the police, but they advised to wait 24 hours before filing a report, since Jo is an adult and of a stable background. Such bullshit if you ask me. I know that by law, you can file a report whenever you feel is necessary. But, I didn't feel like losing my shit in a police station was a smart choice. Besides, the police are the last people I wanna be pissing off right now. I'm gonna need them on my side.
I use the coffee machine to make a black coffee and then head to the till to pay.
'Are you alright love?' The woman behind the
counter asks me.
'Yeah, thanks.' I lie.
'You look awfully tired, Hero.'
I look up and wipe the sleep from my eyes.
'Oh, I'm sorry Mrs Johnson, I didn't realise it was you.' I apologise.
'That's alright, love. Is Jo not with you?'
'Nope, just me and John.'
I choose not to tell her about Jo. I don't want to breakdown in front of the other shoppers.
'Well, don't let me keep you. Get home and get some rest, you look exhausted!' She laughs, and I wish I could share her laughter.
'5.60, please.'
I hand her the money and say goodbye before carrying John in one arm and the coffee and baby food in the other, exiting the shop.
I balance my coffee on the roof of the car, and secure John back in his seat.


When 7am comes around, I see that as an opportunity to get the information I need. It's a decent time to visit someone. I can't wait any longer anyway.
I arrive at Allison's house and ring the doorbell, John sitting unusually well behaved in my arms.
After a moment or two, the door opens and I'm greeted by a tired-looking Allison in her grey dressing gown.
'Where is my wife?' I cut right to the chase.
'Yes, Jo. My wife, blonde, actress.' I mock. Of course I'm talking about Jo.
I show myself in and she follows close behind me.
'I didn't say to come in.'
'Well this is important. Jo is missing.'
'Yes, Allison, fucking missing! Stop repeating everything I say!'
I sigh. I promised myself I wouldn't do this, lose my temper.
'Sorry buddy.' I whisper, rubbing his head. I really shouldn't be swearing around him. Jo would be so disappointed in me.
My eyes get a little teary at the thought of her.
'Alright, sorry. Calm down.' Allison replies, bringing me back to the present.
'Have you seen her?' I ask, in a quieter voice this time.
'No, not since last night,' she says, 'she didn't come home?'
'No.' I hang my head. 'You sure you don't know anything at all? Like when she left?'
'She left before Clara and I did.' Allison says, looking away.
'You're sure?'
'Well, yeah. The two of them went outside, I guess for some fresh air or something. And then Clara came back in and said she saw Jo get in a cab. I assumed she was on her way back to you.'
Despite Allison's story sounding pretty solid, her tone of voice confuses me. It's a little shaky, and she seems nervous.. insincere maybe.
'Well, I guess I'll just keep looking.'
'I'll let you know if I hear anything.' She says, but I don't count on it.
'Come on little man, let's go find someone who can actually help us.' I say to John, as we head for the front door.

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