Chapter 5

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Josephine's pov:
'Jo, wake up.'
When I open my eyes, my shorts feel damp, and as I pull the sheets off of my body, I notice a small wet patch in the area in which I slept.
'Oh shit,' is all I can think to say.
'Do you think you're okay to get changed by yourself?' He asks, getting out of the bed and reaching for his phone.
'Yep, I'm good.' I half lie. I feel a little uncomfy but he can't do everything for me.
'I'm gonna call your mum.' He says, before rushing out of the room, I'm guessing to fetch the hospital bag we have prepared. It's two days past my due date, and judging by the amniotic fluid on the bed sheets, this is it. I'm having this baby today.
'Yeah, her waters just broke.' I hear Hero say from the other room. This feels so surreal. It seems like only yesterday I showed Hero the positive test, and he cried in my arms.
'Is the birthing plan on the dresser?' I ask once he returns to the bedroom, fully dressed.
'Yeah I'll grab it on the way out.' He replies.
I have to say, Hero seems overly calm and collected given the fact he's been so nervous for this day to come.
At this point, I'm almost ready to leave for the hospital, but as I lean down to pull my socks on, I feel an awful pain tear through my lower stomach. It's like someone's either ripping up my insides, or like I've received 100 punches at once- from inside my body.
'Let me do that,' Hero insists, 'just focus on your breathing.'
I obey him and focus on breathing through my first- or the first I've felt- contraction.
God, this is getting real now.


My contractions continue and intensify, getting closer and closer together. I squeeze Hero's spare hand as he uses the other to steer the car as we drive to the hospital.
Between contractions, he rubs my thigh to help relax me, or as much as I can be. This whole thing is quite nerve wracking.. oh, who am I kidding? I'm terrified. I've heard awful stories about the excruciating pain of pushing out a baby, especially towards the end when the baby's head crowns. And contractions on top of that.
'You'll be fine, baby.' Hero says, reading my mind.
'I'm just a little scared.' I reply.
'Oh, sorry. I was talking to the baby.' He says with a smirk.
I roll my eyes and manage a small laugh, right as another contraction rips through me.
Hero allows me to squeeze his hand to the point his creamy skin turns white.
'Sorry.' I stutter.
'Don't worry Jo, this isn't anything compared to what you must be feeling right now. I'm here for you.' He promises, and I wish i could hug him right now.
Hero ignores the other cars on the road constantly honking their horns as we're driving so slow. 'I'm not risking anything.' He keeps saying. As much as I love him for that, I kind of just want him to get us there. The anticipation is only making me more nervous. I just want to meet my baby. Our baby.


The hospital bed is a lot more comfortable than I expected it to be. They have cushions behind me to support my back when I have to start pushing. But the nurse and doctor assure me I can push in any position I feel comfortable. Everyone is different.
My midwife returns to the room, having nipped out to run some errands. Her name is Emily and she's lovely.. well apart from when I caught her staring at Hero when we got here. Although I guess I can't blame her, I mean, look at him.
I'm 8cm dilated which means I can start pushing soon. The pain is far less now. I don't regret having an epidural. It doesn't make me feel weak or unworthy of giving birth. I respect my body and what it's doing for me, and I made the right decision for me.
It stung like a bitch going into my back, but Hero let me squeeze the hell out of his hand again. I can literally feel the baby moving further down my body. The feeling is insane yet scary at the same time. It won't be long now until we're parents.


'Okay Josephine, you're 10cm, you can start pushing now.'
'Okay.' I breathe.
'You ready, baby?'
I nod at Hero and he takes one of my hands in his.
'To start with, just push when you feel the urge to.' Emily instructs and I obey.
Within a few minutes, it feels right and I push, hard.
'That's great Jo. Now, when you feel a contraction, push and hold it until I get to 1. If you can't feel the contraction, look at the monitor.'
I obey and every second she counts down seems to be longer than the one before.
Until finally after many more of the same repetitive motions, I hear what I've been waiting for. 'Okay, one more push and we'll have a baby.'
Hero smiles brightly at me and holds my hand tight, as I push one last time.
I feel an immense stinging pain which lasts a second, but then I'm distracted by a loud crying sound echoing throughout the room.
'Jo, Hero, meet your baby boy!' Emily exclaims, handing me the most beautiful child I could've wished for. 'Oh my god.' I say, tears falling down my cheeks.
'You did it, Jo. You did so good.' Hero leans over and kisses the baby's forehead ever so gently, and then mine.
Emily picks up the baby and takes him over to the little table in the corner, drying him off and wrapping him in a soft towel, before placing a tiny blue hat on his head. She hands the baby to Hero who is standing beside her, watching in awe. When he returns to my side, he's crying.
'He's perfect.' Hero says, 'now listen little man, I'm new to this Dad business, but I promise you, I will protect you for the rest of my life.'
With that, I'm now sobbing uncontrollably.
'Have you guys got a name?' Emily asks curiously, wiping a single tear from her own eye.
Me and Hero exchange looks having thought about this together already. We nod in agreement.
'Yes,' I say, 'this is our baby, John.'
'John Stephen Fiennes Tiffin.' Hero announces proudly. Hero hands John back to me and I lean my head on his shoulder. This is perfect. Our new family. This has been the most amazing day of our lives.

A/N: sorry for no Hero pov. I wanted it to be solely Jo as she gave birth in this chapter so I thought it would be nice to have her perspective. But trust me, there's a LOT more Hero to come! Love you all X

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