Chapter 8

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Hero's pov:
At first I just thought Jo was having a drink and a nice time. Now, i feel genuinely worried. Sick with fear, even.
I've called her and called her, but it doesn't even ring, it just says caller not available.
It's not like her to have her phone off, and it can't have died because she had fully charged it up before going out. I remember her telling me to ring her if there was a problem with John and she'd come straight home. Why would she switch her phone off if she wanted me to call her if I needed to? She'd never do that.. I just know it. She cares about John more than anyone, and I'm sure that my Josephine would have been sitting by her phone, constantly checking it to see if I had texted or called. This whole thing is bizarre.
I open my phone and call Elizabeth.
'Hi, Elizabeth I'm so sorry to call you so late.'
'Is there a problem?' She asks, concern in her voice.
'It's just that Jo hasn't come home. Have you heard from her, or is she at yours?'
'No.. no, she's not here. We talked at about 5:30 earlier today.'
'Oh, god.' I say, really starting to panic now. I wipe the sweat pooling on my forehead with the back of my hand.
'Maybe she got a bit too drunk and stayed the night at a friend's house? Let's try and stay calm.' She says, her tone contradicting her suggestion.
'I guess so. Okay, let me know if you hear anything.'
'I will.' She promises, before hanging up.
I leave Stephen a few texts to ask if he's heard from Jo, as I don't want to call and wake him up.
Then, I call the one person I know will be up at this time.
'Hey, Katherine, it's Hero.'
'What is it? I'm kinda busy.' She says, loud music making it hard to hear her voice.
'At a party, I'm guessing?'
'Yeah, so?'
'So.. this is more important. Jo's missing.'
'What?' She questions, suddenly paying attention to me.
'She went out with friends and still hasn't come home. I was calling to see if she'd spoken to you!' I shout down the phone, unable to hear properly due to the booming music on her end.
'I haven't spoken to her since you visited with John.' She shouts back.
I shouldn't have excepted her to be much help. I know she speaks to Jo once in a blue moon.
'Okay well I gotta go.' I say, and hang up before she can respond.
I have to go out and look for her myself.
I tuck John into his carrier and pick up my phone and keys. I notice a text from Katherine.
'Please let me know when she's home.'
I don't have time to reply. I pocket the phone and head for the door, locking up behind me. I leave a spare key under the plant pot, a place Jo will know where to find it. There's a chance she might have broken her phone and had to walk home. If she arrives home whilst I'm out, I'm hoping she'll find the key and use the landline to call me.
I strap John's carrier into the passenger seat. I know I shouldn't really do that, but at least I can keep a close eye on him.
My first thought is to go to the pub, so I punch in the address on the sat nav to find the fastest route. I know it's about 20 minutes away.


I park my car right beside the now closed pub. The lights are out and I can't see anyone about. This whole street is quiet, dark and empty. More haunting thoughts flash though my brain. What if she's passed out somewhere or hurt? I get out of the car and lock it, promising John I'll be right back. I stay where I can see him, opening the torch on my phone. I notice a 5 dollar bill on the ground and take a few paces towards it, and to my left there is a small alley beside the pub. As I point my torch in that direction, my heart drops and a shiver runs down my spine. Jo's phone is laying face up on the ground, the screen smashed. I feel the colour drain from my face as I fall to my knees.

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