Chapter 26

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Josephine's pov:
I can't believe Hero is here. This is all my fault. I never should have left the pub in the first place. Now me and Hero are both in danger and I may never see my son again.
I manage to free one hand from the ropes and while Roger is giving Hero a hard time for yelling at him, I pull the rope from my mouth.
'Leave him alone! You wanted me, not Hero.'
'A lot of people have been involved in this who weren't a part of the original plan.' Roger grins in that haunting way he does, and I rub the sore skin on my face from where I've been slapped so frequently.
'What are you talking about?' Hero asks, giving me the look of I'm sorry.
'Well, Derek did everything I needed him to. I only needed him to take Jo so no one would suspect me.'
With that he disappears momentarily before reappearing, dragging something behind him.
When he's back in the light he drops Derek's body in front of us in the ground, and Hero's face grows pale. As much as I'm glad to see that fucker good and dead, the smell alone and his blooded up face is enough to make me wretch.
'Jo, don't look!' Hero says, and I reach out my hand towards him only to get it slapped.
'Hands away from him before I cut them off!' Roger yells, and I hold back tears.
'You're insane!' Hero shouts at him and I keep quiet. I can't take being hit again.
'Listen, mate.'
'I am not your mate, for fuck's sake!' Roger yells back at Hero.
'Okay, just listen. If you let us leave here, we'll keep quiet. Please, I swear it. Our son needs us, and you can keep tracking my phone to make sure I don't go to the police.' Hero begs.
'I'm afraid I can't take that risk. There's no way I can guarantee you'll both keep quiet.' Roger replies, I feel my hands start to shake, and I'm sweating all over.
'Hero you shouldn't have come.' I say, 'at least you could have lived and raised our son.'
'Josephine don't talk like that. This isn't the end.' He says but I can't even believe him.
'There's no way I'm letting you both go. I've killed two people, and I'm about to kill two more!' Roger declares, and he presents his gun like the psycho he is.
I accept that this is it, and turn to Hero.
'I'm so sorry, this is all my fault.'
'No, Jo. It's not okay, don't ever say that.' He's crying now, too, and I'm somewhat thankful that my last moments will be spent with him, even under these circumstances.
I think of our precious little boy who will have to grow up without his parents- not knowing who we are. I think of how my Mum will never see me again, how are entire families will be affected. Even the fans, our cast members from previous projects. We will never see anyone ever again. But at least Hero is with me, and we'll go down together.

Hero's Pov:
My whole life in all its glory flashes through my mind. Every beautiful memory. Meeting Jo for the first time. The After premiere, every single interview. The years I spent with Diesel. My parents, playing football with my mates back in London. Dancing in the rain with Jo the first time she came to London. Getting married, John's birth. And now it's all over.
'Right, so who will it be first?' Roger asks, walking closer and pointing the gun back and forth between us.
We both share a look and remain silent.
'Right, so I guess I'm going to choose then. Eenie meenie, miney..' Roger taunts us, clearly getting entertainment from this.
'Actually, I think little miss Langford deserves to die first.' He says, his face now inches away from hers.
'That's Mrs Fiennes Tiffin.' She says, and spits in his face.
My heart flips, knowing even in our final moments together, she is the strong, amazing woman I married and fell in love with so many years ago. That's my girl. Fuck, I love her.
He pulls the gun up to her head and my breathing rate escalates. No.
'Hero, I love you.' Josephine sobs.
'I- I love you too baby.'

A gunshot rings out.

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