Chapter 29

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A/N: it was only right I finished this book, even if it took me a year to update! I hope you enjoy the final chapter, all my love, E <3

11 months later..

Josephine's pov:
'Happy birthday dear John, happy birthday to you!' We all sing as our little boy claps his hands together with that cheeky grin of his. He's got Hero's smile, that's for sure. I can't believe how fast he's growing up. The past year has been a challenge, I won't lie. After what happened to me, I never wanted to leave the house..

Flashback to a few weeks after Jo was found..

Hero's Pov:
'Jo, come on baby.' I encourage her, reaching my hand out for her to take.
'But John-'
'John is fine.' I interrupt, 'he's just in the other room with your sister.'
I can't believe Katherine came over, but I think she's making up for lost time with Josephine.
Reluctantly, she takes my hand and we take baby steps to the front door together. She grips my hand tightly as I step through the door onto the front lawn. I take a few steps further and praise her, 'see. I knew you could-'
I notice her hands are starting to sweat and she lets go. I turn to find her almost hyperventilating. Her cheeks grow pale and she stumbles to the ground, her breathing rate escalating by the second.
I immediately drop to the ground to comfort her, rummaging for my phone in my back pocket.

That's just the thing with panic attacks, they are so sudden and so difficult to predict. I'd never really experienced anything like it before, but the anxiety and fear of leaving my home got worse, and I ended up having to let John sleep in mine and Hero's bed with us, or else, I couldn't sleep. The therapy sessions eventually started to help, though. It's no shock that my husband's name is Hero. He truly is one. It was heartwarming seeing all the support on social media when I arrived home, too. Hero told me about #freejo, which felt so nice knowing how worried my fans were about me.
Being away from my family is still very hard for me, but my therapist has told me that's totally normal given what I went through. In a strange way, our family is closer than ever.

'Oh sorry. I was just lost in thought.'
'Don't worry about it.' Hero replies, giving me a small side hug.
'Blow the candles out buddy!' Hero exclaims, as John's little mouth goes wide in awe of his birthday cake.
My Dad does the typical secretly-blow-the-candle-out-for-the-kid and we all cheer.
John giggles and plays with the chain hanging around Hero's neck.
My Mum carries the cake into our kitchen to slice it up and give out to our guests. It's only a few of our friends with kids a similar age to John, my sister and my parents. It's not often we're all under the same roof but everyone seems to get on for John's sake. In a way, he's brought everyone closer together. Either that, or Katherine only came over to see him- he's adorable.
'You okay?' Hero asks.
'Yeah, of course.' I tell him, 'hey my gorgeous boy!'
Hero hands John over to me and he instantly nuzzles into my sweater- he's a real hugger.. must get that from his Dad, too!
Hero really is the best father John could ask for or ever need. Up until our baby was born, I never thought I could love Hero more than I already did, but seeing him raise our son has made me admire him all the more.
I can't imagine how hard it was trying to look after him and search for me the week I went missing. And yet, Hero did it, to protect his family.
'Who wants cake?' Elizabeth asks as she re-enters the room with a tray full of plates, each one with a slice of cake placed carefully in the centre. Everyone exchanges looks before raising their hands, chuckling to one another. It's not long before we all tuck in, me and Hero sharing a slice with John. I break off tiny pieces and let him suck gently on it. I've read so many horror stories about babies choking on their food, so I'm always extra careful.
I have to say, it's a delicious cake. Luckily we have a local bakery that makes cakes to order.
'Thankyou guys for coming. I know John loves you all and appreciates you being here!' I say out loud for everyone to hear, smiling from ear to ear. The adults all raise a glass and we spend the rest of the afternoon chatting and letting the babies play together.


Hero's Pov:
A few hours after everyone is gone, the house is  spotless. For once, I helped Jo to clean up and I actually don't regret it. It's rewarding seeing your home so tidy.
'Want to go for a swim?' Jo asks.
'Yeah, sure. How come?'
'Oh, i just fancied it.'
'Yeah right.' I challenge her.
'What do you mean?' She hides her smile.
'You just want to see John in his baby float that Maylee got him.'
She giggles and pulls out the box from behind the sofa.
'Come on! It'll be cute!' She insists, and I follow her into the kitchen, watching as she struggles to pierce the sealed box with a pair of blunt scissors.
'Here, let me.' I take the box and she frowns.
I slip the blade underneath the tape and lift it up, immediately breaking the seal.
'I was about to do that.'
'I know, babe.' I smirk, knowing full well she wasn't. We met Maylee and her boyfriend Denis a few months ago at a yoga class- that's right, we had a Hessa moment- and we've been friends ever since. The yoga was actually my idea. I thought it would help Jo to feel more relaxed. They have a daughter just a little older than John, Isla, who has a baby float which Jo has always found adorable. She'd scroll through pictures of Isla on Maylee's Instagram, going on about how sweet she looked. Of course, she was thrilled when the couple brought it round the house today. However, I do question if it was a gift for John, or a gift for Jo.. she's certainly the most excited.


The three of us bob about in the warm water, another perfect day now coming to an end.
'Wow. What a life we have.' I sigh, happily.
'What?' Jo laughs.
'I'm serious!' I say, 'look at what we've been through to get here. A Rocky secret relationship..'
'Hey, we both wanted things to be on the down-low!' She interrupts.
'I know, I know. And then the after movies, all the trouble with your nightmares.'
'Tell me about it.' She jokes, and I smile, kissing her forehead.
'We got married in the most beautiful location, and we may have had a lot of shitty days but we also have something so amazing.' I tell her.
Simultaneously, we gaze down at our perfect son, giggling away as he floats on the clear surface, swishing his hands around in the water with glee.
Jo scoops John into her arms and holds him on her shoulder so he's only submerged below his knees. 'I love you, son.' She tells him, kissing him gently on the cheek.
'And I love you- I always will.' She says, turning back to me.
'I love you Josephine. With all of my heart.'

The end <3

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