Chapter 12

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Hero's Pov:
I leave the pub and reach into my coat pocket for my pack of cigarettes. I was trying to cut back for Jo's sake and of course I wouldn't dream of smoking around John, but right now I'm alone, sad, and anxious.
I hold the stick of rolled tobacco between my teeth as I light it, and inhale the familiar fumes, not caring about the foul taste or my health.
I smoke it fast, and bin the evidence. I know if Jo was here, she'd yell at me if i dropped it on the floor or something. Kids play on these streets , she always says to me.
I mentally curse at myself for letting my mind wander- i can't break down in the middle of town. My eyes feel heavy from lack of sleep. I decide I have to go home. If I don't at least try and nap for an hour or so, I will be beaten by my fatigue. I pull open the car door and am distracted from my thoughts by the sounds of flashing cameras.
I step back and my eyes land on a man the other side of the road, snapping pictures of me relentlessly, one after the other. I don't even bother reacting, instead I just get in the car and start it up. As I drive by, I avoid eye contact and switch the radio on, dialling the volume up so high I can't hear myself think.

When I arrive home the house is exactly as I left it, but the absence of Josephine makes the atmosphere so dull that it could rain inside.
I head upstairs and collapse on the bed. It feels so wrong to sleep when she's out there somewhere, alone. I fight to stay awake but I lose, sleep carrying me far away from this room.


When my eyes open, the first thing I see is the light from beneath the bed sheets. I must have fallen asleep with my phone beside me.
There are a number of texts from Elizabeth.

Everything all fine here. John has had his milk and watching TV with Stephen and I.

Anything new? Keep going sweetheart xx

Hero, please call me. Have you seen the headlines?

Shit. The photographs. I'd forgotten all about the paps outside the pub. This doesn't look good. I open my Instagram and click on tagged photos as I'm sure all the fans will be reposting whatever the main headline is.
Then I see it, and it's not what I expected at all- and not in a good way.

Devastated Hero spotted alone as Josephine Langford remains missing

My eyes land on the awful pictures of me, and then it hits me that I really need to shower and sort my shit out. I look absolutely horrendous.
The rest of the article is pretty pointless, there's no real information it just talks about what clothes I'm wearing. My fucking clothes. How on earth is that important?
I'm not sure what I'm more angry about, the fact they called her Langford and not Fiennes Tiffin, or the fact this article is total bullshit.

My phone buzzes and I see Felix's name flash across the screen.
'Felix?' I say when I answer the call.
'Alright mate, did you not see Morgz's text?'
'Never mind,' he says, 'just look at the sun newspaper right now.'
I just say 'okay.' And hang up the phone.
I open Snapchat and flick through the Sun's story until I see it. I didn't think things would get worse, but I was wrong.

Hero Fiennes Tiffin smokes the pain away with no new leads in the search for his wife

They are taking the piss at this point. It's only then I see Morgz's text and for a moment I'm reminded of how much I miss my mates back home. I reply, cheers mate, really fucking struggling with this shit, and then I open my contacts and find Elizabeth's number before pressing call.
'Hello?' She answers on the second ring.
'Hi, I'm sorry I didn't reply, I was sleeping.'
'That's okay love, I'm sorry about the.. you know.'
'Don't worry honestly. I'm used to this by now. What time do you want me to get John?'
'Well I start work at 4, and I don't want to leave him with Stephen in case he's called into work.' She replies.
'Shit. What time is it?'
'I didn't realise I slept so long.' I say, ruffling my hair with my spare hand.
'Well, just get here when you can.'
'I'll just grab a quick shower and I'll be right there.'
'Yep, okay. See you soon, dear.'
'Bye.' I say, hanging up.
I guess it's time for a long-needed hot shower.

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