Chapter 21

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Hero's Pov:
'So you saw Jo in here that night?'
'Oh yeah, but I didn't think anything of it at the time until this conversation.'
'Well, what happened?' I ask, growing impatient, not with Tia, but with the fact Jo is still missing and right now, time is precious.
'Well it's not exactly about Jo. It's about her friend. Um..'
'Clara is her name.'
'Yeah. So, I was out on my break. Usually I stand between our pub and the next building, in that little alley, to have a smoke.'
'And what did you see?'
'Well, there was this guy, he seemed.. frustrated, let's say. Clara was handing over large money bills to him. They couldn't see me. But that was all I saw. It was as I was then going back in the side entrance to go back to work.'
'Was it the same guy in the security footage?' I ask, holding up a screenshot that I took from the online video.
Her eyes go narrow as she looks it over.
'Hard to say. I didn't really get a good look. Like I say, I didn't think much of it. I just told myself it wasn't my business, I guess.'
'And what about Jo? Did you see her with this guy?'
'No. But once I was back behind the bar, Jo was gone.'
'Yeah. I called out to her friends to ask where she'd gone, as she hadn't finished her drink. But they just assured me she was feeling unwell and had got in a cab to go home.'
'Well, Clara, before she went missing, told me herself that she saw Jo get in a cab with some guy. This must all be connected. The money and shit.' My words spew from my mouth as everything starts to add up in my head. We have to find this man.
'I'm so sorry, Hero. I wanted to go outside and check what was going on, I did. But, we were getting busy around that time and my boss was watching me like a hawk.'
'Don't worry. I understand. You've been more help than anyone else so far.' I say, with a small smile. It's the best I can manage now that I'm more worried than ever. This guy wanted money from Clara. What for? Was she being blackmailed or something. Was Jo?
Every imaginable reason flashes through my mind and Tia waves in front of my face.
'Thought I'd lost you there for a sec.' She says, wiping the bar with a cloth.
'Thankyou for this, I'll let you get on with your work.' I say, downing the rest of my coke and getting up to leave.
'It's no problem. I hope you find her soon, Hero.'
'Thanks Tia.' I say, heading towards the door.
This has all suddenly gotten very real. I know more than I've known this whole time.


'Hey Mum, I'm sorry I took so long but I found out—'
'Hero Fiennes Tiffin!' She shouts as I enter the room with her spare key.
'Um.. yeah?'
'You need to sort out your priorities, young man.' She says, pointing a finger at me.
'What do you mean? And please don't talk to me like I'm still a child.'
'I know you're old enough to make your own choices in life, Hero, but I'm still your mother and what you're doing here is wrong.'
'What the fuck are you talking about?!'
'You may be an adult but you watch your language when you're talking to me!' She scolds, taking me right back to being a child getting a telling off for having too much attitude.
In general I was a well behaved child, and my parents allowed me to have so many exciting opportunities, which ultimately led to my career as an actor. But I guess the one thing I don't miss about my childhood is being told what I can and can't do, or being disciplined. It's not that I was rebellious or anything, but I much prefer the freedom of being an adult, that's for sure.
'Okay, I'm sorry. But what are you talking about?' I ask, scratching the back of my neck out of anxiety.
'Your son. You haven't been spending any time with him! I understand you miss Jo and you want to find her. But your baby has to come first, Hero.' She says, more calmly this time, placing a hand on my shoulder.
'I know how much Jo means to you, but I'm sure she'd want you to put John first. Sooner or later, he won't even recognise you when you go to pick him up. Don't you want a good relationship with your son?'
'Mum or course I do.' I say, hanging my head.
'And I know this isn't what you want to hear right now, but it's been like what, a month?'
'Don't talk like that, okay?!' I shout, taking a step back.
'She is alive, I know it. And I will find her!' I assure her, picking up my baby boy. I don't want to continue to argue with Mum in front of him.
I leave the room before she can say anything else; I'm just too angry to think straight. I'll sort things out with her later.

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