I decided to do a little extra.
Yamaguchi pulled open the door stifling a yawn. Who in the world was here at 7 am in the morning?
"Promised to call me my ass," Yamaguchi jumped at the sight and the voice of the person in front of him. Sugawara Koushi stood in the doorway, arms crossed and eyebrow quirked.
"Suga-san!" Yamaguchi exclaimed. He threw his arms around the older and hugged him tightly. He heard Suga laugh and then felt arms wrap around him, squeezing him. Finally, after a second Yamaguchi pulled away and gestured inside.
"Come in!" Suga picked up his bags and stepped into the home. As Yamaguchi closed the door it occurred to him that he had never told Suga that he'd moved into Hinata's house.
"Hey, Suga-san? How'd you know I was here?" Yamaguchi asked leaning against the door. He suddenly gasped and pressed himself further into the door. Suga turned around and raised an eyebrow at Yamaguchi in confusion.
"Suga-san! Have you been stalking me?!" Yamaguchi exclaimed in mock fear. Suga grabbed a pillow from the couch and chucked it at Yamaguchi's head while holding back a laugh. Yamaguchi ducked and caught it in his hands, giggling.
"If you must know, I went to talk to Enno, I wanted to check up on him. He told me you were here," Suga said shrugging and falling onto the couch. Except that he had been standing behind the couch so now he had his head upside down hanging off the couch and his feet slung across the back of it. Yamaguchi rolled his eyes and went to sit next to Suga. The older turned upright and turned to him suddenly serious.
"Hey, I'm serious Yamaguchi. I don't want to lose touch with you, or the rest of the team, text me, call me. Let me know you're fucking alive dammit," Suga said nudging Yamaguchi softly. Yamaguchi let his head drop onto Suga's shoulder.
"Ok, Suga-san. I swear I'll text you," Suga ruffled Yamaguchi's hair and then sprang up off the couch.
"Now, where's that tiny nuisance you live with?" Suga asked looking around. Yamaguchi laughed and glanced towards the door.
"Sho should be back...any...second...now," The door opened, and in came a lively Hinata jumping lightly in place.
"Yamaaaaa I'm back!" Hinata said turning around after closing the door. He paused when he saw Suga standing by his couch.
"SUGA-SAN???" Hinata exclaimed in surprise. Yamaguchi and Suga both started laughing.
"Hey hey hey! Stop laughing! What are you doing here Suga-san?" Hinata said throwing his keys onto the table and walking towards the couch.
"I'm in town for the weekend, so I decided to come visit," Suga said gesturing at his bag on the floor. Hinata stared at it for a second before suddenly grinning and turning to face the silver-haired male. There was a mischievous glint in his eye that Yamaguchi didn't particularly like but Suga loved.
"Wanna help me burn down Yama's old house?" Hinata asked with a low chuckle. Yamaguchi looked between the two in confusion.
"Huh? Wait-what?!" He asked. Suga hummed in thought and then grinned back.
"Hell yeah," He answered. Hinata pumped his fist in the air. As they both moved towards the door Yamaguchi grabbed their shirts.
"No!" He stated firmly. Both boys trapped in his clutches groaned.

Stargazing With You (YamaHina)
FanfictionTW!! Mentions of Suicide, Abuse, Panic Attacks, Death, R@p3 (IF I MISSED ANY WARNINGS PLEASE SEND ME A MESSAGE) Yamaguchi hasn't felt loved since he was 5. Ever since his parents had left him to his uncle and aunt he had felt nothing but pain and lo...