So for this one, the POV's got really messed up, sorry TnT
The next chapter is going to be in Hinata's POV ;)
Hinata chatted away while Yamaguchi listened intently to what the orange-haired boy was saying. Their hands stayed linked all the way to the gym. Hinata paused in front of the gym doors and looked at Yamaguchi. He was biting his lip and tapping his fingers together nervously. Hinata took a deep breath and carefully touched Yamaguchi's arm. Yamaguchi jumped slightly and Hinata immediately drew back, not wanting to make Yamaguchi uncomfortable.
"A-ah, sorry..."Yamaguchi apologized gripping his backpack strings tightly.
"You don't have to apologize! You ready?" Hinata asked placing one hand on the door handle. Yamaguchi hesitated for a second before nodding. Hinata slowly opened the door and slipped inside. He grinned widely at his teammates.
"Hinata-senpai!" A first-year with light brown hair greeted him with a volleyball clenched in his hands. The others in the room turned to see Hinata. There was 1 other first-year on the team. His hair was as dark as midnight. Tsukishima and Kageyama were warming up on their own by the walls. Ennoshita was helping the first year's warm-up along with Kinoshita. Narita, Noya, and Tanaka were training together in another corner.
"Hikaru!" Hinata said pulling the kid who had greeted him into a headlock and ruffling his hair affectionately.
"Hey, Hinata-senpai, who's that?" The black-haired one asked. Everyone else in the room turned towards Hinata quizzically. Hinata hurried over to the green-haired boy who was smiling nervously.
"Everyone welcome back Yama!" Hinata said gesturing to Yamaguchi. Tsukishima and Kageyama both froze where they stood while Ennoshita dropped the volleyball he was holding in surprise and Kinoshita who was standing next to him blinked a couple of times. Tanaka and Noya were quiet. Narita's jaw dropped open.
"Um, hello, everyone," Yamaguchi said softly. Everyone immediately gathered around Yamaguchi, the first years tried to figure out what was going on.
"Ah ah ah! Back up! Yama's not good with crowds!" Hinata said. He threw his hands out and glared at them. Ennoshita furrowed his eyebrows worriedly but forced everyone back.
"Yams are you okay? What happened?" Ennoshita asked. His voice was filled with a dose of worry and a dose of confusion. Yamaguchi looked away and didn't answer. Ennoshita sensed that this made him uncomfortable and moved on from the question leaving it unanswered.
"No matter! I'm glad you're back Yams, you can watch our practice today, is that ok?" Yamaguchi looked back at Ennoshita in gratitude and nodded with a tired smile. Hinata grinned and then placed his hands on his hips.
"Yeah! You can watch us today!" He proclaimed, Ennoshita rolled his eyes good-naturedly and then smiled at Yamaguchi.
"If you need anything I'll make Hinata get it for you," Ennoshita said kindly.
"Eh?!" Hinata exclaimed looking surprised. Yamaguchi chuckled and Hinata felt his heartbeat speed up significantly. Kinoshita perked up suddenly drawing everyone's attention.
"Ah wait Yams! Meet the new first years!" Kinoshita said. The first years jumped and then dropped into bows.
"I'm Hikaru Suzuki!" His voice was strong and energetic.
"I'm Hayato Ito," The black-haired one said his voice was quiet but just as strong. Yamaguchi immediately took to them. They seemed so kind and passionate.
"It's a pleasure to meet you two, I'm Tadashi Yamaguchi! I apologize for my absence," Yamaguchi said clasping his hands together. Hikaru and Hayato both were staring at him with sparkling eyes. Yamaguchi turned to the rest of the team questioningly. Ennoshita smiled at him like he was trying to hold back a laugh.
"Hinata-senpai told us that Karasuno wouldn't have won against Aoba Johsai without your serve," Hayato said and Hikaru nodded eagerly. Yamaguchi laughed and shook his head.
"Ah, I didn't do much but thank you. I will work harder to get better for you and the team," Yamaguchi said offering them a small smile.
"And we will too!" Hikaru said pumping his fist in the air. Hayato grinned and nodded in agreement.
"Well, shouldn't you be practicing?" Yamaguchi asked directing the question at the entire team this time. Ennoshita snapped his finger and clapped his hands urgently. Yamaguchi hurried away from the court and pulled out his earbuds. He could watch but he wasn't ready for the shouts that would engulf the gym. At least not yet anyway. Yamaguchi watched the players closely. There were many places they had to improve on, of course, but the team had definitely gotten stronger since the last time he had been in the gym. He couldn't help the pride that blossomed in his chest.

Stargazing With You (YamaHina)
FanfictionTW!! Mentions of Suicide, Abuse, Panic Attacks, Death, R@p3 (IF I MISSED ANY WARNINGS PLEASE SEND ME A MESSAGE) Yamaguchi hasn't felt loved since he was 5. Ever since his parents had left him to his uncle and aunt he had felt nothing but pain and lo...