7: Yamaguchi

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(There are implications of trauma and flashbacks+ panic attack)

Yamaguchi's eyes fluttered open. Golden rays of sunshine filtered through the half-closed blinds. He sat up and rubbed his eyes wearily. Yesterday, he and Hinata had fallen asleep later than they had intended to. After seeing Hinata's room, Yamaguchi knew he would never be able to sleep among the mess. The orange-haired boy had sulked for a while, watching Yamaguchi pick up his stuff before dragging himself over and helping. When they had finished it was well past midnight. They would have finished by 10 if Hinata wasn't distracted by something or the other every 5 minutes. 

Yamaguchi looked around the room now and grinned. You could actually see the floor now. His grin quickly slipped away when he noticed the time. They were late for school. Yamaguchi yelped and jumped off the bed. He grabbed his backpack and ripped it open, pulling out random clothes. Yamaguchi bundled up the clothes in his hands and then hurriedly rushed to the bathroom. After pulling on the clothes and fixing his hair as best he could, he made his way back to Hinata's bed. Yamaguchi gently shook Hinata, trying to wake him up. Unfortunately, Hinata was definitely a deep sleeper. 

"Hinata! Hinata! We're late!" Yamaguchi said leaning down closer towards Hinata. The boy only muttered before burrowing further into his pillow. Yamaguchi sighed and straightened. He crossed his arms and stared at Hinata. A smile suddenly lit up Yamaguchi's face as he was struck with an idea.

"Hinata! We missed morning practice!" Yamaguchi said filling his voice with panic. Hinata's eyes flew open and he yelled in distress looking around for the clock. Yamaguchi snorted and placed his hands on Hinata's shoulders which made Hinata still and look up.

"I just said that to wake you up, calm down. We really are going to be late though if we don't leave in the next 5 minutes," Hinata sighed dramatically before hurrying out of bed and grabbing his clothes.

"Ok! I'll be downstairs in 5 minutes! I'm pretty sure mom has breakfast ready already!" Hinata yelled disappearing into the hallway. Yamaguchi let out a little sigh and then grabbed his backpack. He was still a little shaky around Hinata's mom, she was so warm but she reminded him of his aunt.

"Yamaguchi! Oh your awake, is Hinata awake yet?" Yamaguchi snapped his head up and nodded quickly, instantly tensing up. After he registered that it wasn't his aunt he quickly tried to ease up. Yamaguchi smiled apologetically at Yume. He knew she had seen him momentarily flinch at her voice.

"Come, dear. Let me check your wounds," Yume held out her hand out towards Yamaguchi. He hesitantly moved forward, instinctively pulling away from her hand just like yesterday. She frowned slightly and dropped her hand. Yamaguchi blushed from embarrassment and cursed himself. Yume peered at his wounds without placing a hand on him. 

"You should be better soon dear. With the right treatment, you'll be right in a few weeks," Yume said the smile returning. Yamaguchi nodded, he knew he should say thank you but his mouth clamped shut. His aunt's policies drifting back into his mind. Yume didn't push him anymore instead she nodded to the table and made her way to the staircase. Yamaguchi quietly ate the toasted bread on the table. It hadn't hit him how hungry he was until he took the first bite. The last time he had eaten was probably last week when his aunt had been in a good mood. 

"SHOYO!" Yamaguchi flinched at the sound of yelling and squeezed his eyes shut. He knew he was safe now, he knew it deep down but his panic couldn't be stopped. Yamaguchi started shaking as memories rocked him. His uncle's drunk voice and his aunt's shrill voice screaming at him, at each other. He inhaled shakily trying to focus back on the kitchen but the memories kept coming. The yelling didn't stop. He felt so scared and helpless...

"Yama? Hey Yama, it's ok, it's ok. Listen to me Yama, you're safe," A soft voice soothed him and his eyes slowly opened. Hinata was standing in front of him, his eyes worried and studying Yamaguchi carefully. Something wet trailed down his cheeks and Yamaguchi realized he had started crying. He quickly wiped it away. Hinata dropped his hands, they had been hovering around Yamaguchi but never really touching him. Yamaguchi was grateful for that, he didn't want to be touched right then.

"S-sorry...t-the shouting-I'm...sorry," Yamaguchi apologized stepping back and looking down sheepishly. He was ashamed of himself. He didn't want Hinata to think he was weak. 

"Why are you apologizing? You had an episode and that's ok...so stop apologizing," Hinata said with a shrug and a smile. Hinata grabbed a piece of toast and shoved it in his mouth.

"You should rest," Hinata said with a mouth full. Yamaguchi nodded. Hinata smiled and grabbed another piece of toast. Yamaguchi continued eating, feeling somewhat settled. Hinata waited until Yamaguchi took a deep breath and declared he was ready to go. Hinata grinned and grabbed his backpack. He hurried to the doorway with Yamaguchi close behind him.

"Bye Mom!" Hinata was careful not to yell. Yume appeared from a side room and waved to both of them. Yamaguchi and Hinata stepped outside into the sunlight and Hinata sighed contentedly.

"Wah~It's so warm," Hinata said with a smile. Yamaguchi nodded soaking in the feeling of the sun on his skin. It was surprising for September.

"Yeah, it's nice...are we walking?" Yamaguchi asked gripping his backpack strings. Hinata glanced at his bike then back to Yamaguchi before growing slightly.

"You don't have a bike..." He muttered. Yamaguchi bit his lip and then gestured to the bike hesitantly.

"You can ride your bike, I-I'm sure I can walk by myself," He said trying to sound cheerful. Truthfully he didn't want to be alone right now. Yamaguchi still felt shaky and didn't want to have another episode in the middle of the road with no one around. Hinata shook his head and then started walking.

"Come on! It's fine, I can ask Mama to get you a bike too! Or we can just walk, I don't really mind," Hinata called. Yamaguchi hurried up to him and offered a small smile.

"Thanks, Hinata," Yamaguchi said quietly. Hinata grinned at him and then glanced down at his hand.

"Wanna hold hands? You don't have to," Hinata asked and then hurried to add the last bit looking sheepish. Yamaguchi bit his lip and looked down at their hands. He remembered last night, holding hands on their way back from the police station. He had felt safe. Yamaguchi reached out and carefully took Hinata's hand startling the little tangerine before he grinned and held Yamaguchi's hand as well. 


I'm sorry...this is not the best, is it? BUT I WILL NOT GIVE UP! I love you all! I purple you! 💜


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