Extra #2
Yamaguchi sat in the dirt in between two old tombstones. Two beautiful flower bouquets rested on them. Yamaguchi reached out and traced each letter of the names.
Aneko and Itsuki Yamaguchi
His parents had died when he was 5 years old. He had been much too young to remember anything. His memories were faded and blurry. The only clear thing was their voices. His mother's voice was like the wind. Soft and whispery. His father's voice was like honey. Slow and sweet. He brought his hands back to his lap and smiled softly as tears slipped out of the corner of his eyes. They traced his cheeks, leaving dark lines. Yamaguchi sniffed and took a deep breath in.
"Hi, Mom and Dad. It's me your son, Yamaguchi! I have some exciting news! I left that wretched house, with the help of someone really special. He's here right now!" Yamaguchi turned around and beckoned his orange-haired boyfriend forward. Hinata nervously came forward and sat down beside Yamaguchi.
"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Yamaguchi," He said. Yamaguchi slipped his hand into Hinata's and squeezed it.
"I'm Hinata Shoyo, you're son's boyfriend! He's an amazing person really! I don't how he became like this but I'm guessing it's genetics. I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you so much for bringing him into this world," Hinata said bowing his head lower. Yamaguchi blushed red and nudged Hinata with his shoulder trying to hide his face behind his hands.
"Shut up Sho," He mumbled. Hinata grinned and leaned into his boyfriend's shoulder.
"I miss you, I hope you're comfortable wherever you are. Rest easily Mom, Dad," Yamaguchi whispered closing his eyes as a few more tears slipped out from the corners of his eyes. He felt Hinata's warm hand caress his face and wipe away his tears. He held it tightly and smiled before opening his eyes.
"Thanks, love," He said quietly. Hinata smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheeks.
"You're parents are proud. I just know it Yama," He muttered into Yamaguchi's shoulder. The green-haired boy rested his head on top of his lover and read the names over and over again. Yamaguchi's delicately taped heart was coming apart. Where would he have been now if his parents had lived?
Would he have been a happier person? Would he be braver? Would his path to Shoyo have been shorter?
He sighed and squeezed Hinata's hand two times. Signaling that he was ready to go. Hinata immediately scrambled up and helped Yamaguchi stand up as well.
"We have to go now. I'll come to see you again Mom, Dad," Yamaguchi said touching the tops of the gravestones briefly before turning away. He was met with Hinata's warm amber eyes. They glinted with love and warmth. His bruised heart fluttered, life surging back into him. These trips always exhausted him. He loved talking to his parents, but it often took everything in him to get up and walk away instead of lying there in the dirt and letting the cold seep into his bones.
Though, today, Yamaguchi felt just a little better. He leaned in and kissed him softly. Just a soft brush of their lips set sparks flying through his body. It made a warmth spread through his body and an odd tingling filled his fingertips. When he pulled away though Yamaguchi noticed the dark bags underneath Hinata's eyes and frowned.
"When was the last time you slept, love?" He asked his brow furrowing worriedly. Hinata scratched the back of his neck and refused to meet Yamaguchi's eyes. That was all the answer Yamaguchi needed. He sighed and then tugged on Hinata's hand, leading them both towards the entrance.
"Let's go home and cuddle on the couch with a cup of tea yeah? It'll help you sleep," Yamaguchi said glancing over his shoulder at his boyfriend who nodded and held Yamaguchi's hand tighter.
"I'm supposed to be taking care of you though," Hinata said pouting slightly. Yamaguchi chuckled and shook his head.
"I don't mind. We take care of each other, tonight my main concern is getting you to bed," Yamaguchi said. His voice was filled with earnestness. Hinata couldn't help the smile that played onto his face. Yamaguchi was the most loving person he had ever met.
The two boys walked together, their hands linked and their noses red from the cold. They were quite oblivious to the cold though. Just being near each other filled them with a wonderful warmth. Like hot chocolate on a winter day or sitting next to a heater after being out in the heater, except so much better.
The warmth of love.
Sorry, this is just an extra but I hope you enjoyed it! I have 500 views on this and I'm immensely happy! Thank you so much! I love you all so much!
(for anyone confused about why the extra's are at the end when I clearly didn't write them at the end, I wrote them and then organized the chapters so the extra's were at the end)

Stargazing With You (YamaHina)
FanfictionTW!! Mentions of Suicide, Abuse, Panic Attacks, Death, R@p3 (IF I MISSED ANY WARNINGS PLEASE SEND ME A MESSAGE) Yamaguchi hasn't felt loved since he was 5. Ever since his parents had left him to his uncle and aunt he had felt nothing but pain and lo...