(Implies the events of chapter 1 and 2)
Yamaguchi gripped the steering wheel tighter and took a deep breath in. He could do this. He had to do this because if he didn't he knew he would regret it. He'd go to college and stay up late wondering what if?
"Dashi, the steering wheel is going to break if you keep squeezing it like that," Yamaguchi jumped slightly and glanced over at Hinata. The orange-haired boy raised his eyebrow in confusion and worry.
"So...why exactly is the steering wheel suffering?" Hinata asked letting a slight undertone of amusement slip into his voice. Yamaguchi chuckled softly and focused on the road again. As he settled back into his seat, Yamaguchi answered in a soft voice.
"I guess you'll just have to wait and see," It was only another 15 minutes but the seconds dragged on like hours as they drove out of the city. On their right was tall grass swaying in the breeze and on their left was farmland stretched as far as the eye could see. Ahead there was a three-way split in the road. Yamaguchi took the left turn.
"Are you going to murder me? After everything, we went through... I can't believe this," At this remark, Yamaguchi burst out laughing.
"Sho please, I can't murder you out here! Too many houses you know? If I was going to murder you I would have done it in the tall grass," Yamaguchi said casually. Hinata stared at him blankly. Yamaguchi simply grinned and kept driving.
"You can't tell...but I'm terrified..." Hinata murmured before turning to look out the window. Yamaguchi just chuckled quietly.
Finally, the green-haired boy pulled into an empty lot that sat in front of a very obvious trail. Hinata raised his eyebrow and tilted his head curiously.
"You brought me out here to hike?" He asked incredulously. Yamaguchi shrugged and opened the door hastily. The sun had almost set and he needed to get them to the top before nightfall. Hinata furrowed his brow at the lack of response from Yamaguchi and stepped out of the car, hiding the fact that he was hurt by it.
"Come on, we need to hurry," Yamaguchi said in a nervous voice, eyes trained on the sky.
"Huh? Why?" Hinata asked. This was only getting more confusing by the second. Yamaguchi smiled at him from across the hood of the car. However, he didn't bother answering the question and just started walking. He knew Hinata had started following him when he heard the crunch of leaves behind him on the trail. They made their way past tall trees, their leaves creating patterns on the forest floor with the sunset oranges and pinks and yellows. The path crossed through an eroded rock formation, droplets of water dripping from the overhang. Hinata marveled at the nature around him. The air was scented with petrichor and Hinata breathed deeply savoring the smell.
Yamaguchi didn't notice his surroundings due to the fact that his nerves were positively fried. As they reached the end of the path all he could hear was the blood rushing in his ears and the heavy thumping in his chest. Thankfully, they had made it there before night had fallen. The sun was still peeking out over the horizon. Yamaguchi stopped at the edge of the cliff and turned around to Hinata who suddenly looked terrified. Yamaguchi's eyes widened and he hurried forward gripping Hinata's hands tightly whispering soft comforts.
"No. No, you can't," He said glancing between the edge and Yamaguchi frantically.
"You can't. I won't let you," He said holding Yamaguchi's hands tighter. Yamaguchi furrowed his brow in confusion, before finally understanding.
"Oh...I'm not going to...I'm ok, I'm sorry I didn't realize this would upset you so much..." Yamaguchi whispered pulling Hinata into a tight hug and resting his chin on top of Hinata's head. He rubbed soothing circles into the smaller boy's back and turned his back on the cliff. This definitely was not a good idea.
"Why're we here? I don't like it," Hinata whispered clutching onto Yamaguchi like he was his lifesaver.
"I'm so sorry Sho...Let's leave now, ok? Come on," Yamaguchi coaxed gently pulling back and taking Hinata's hand. Just as he was about to walk back down there was a tug on his hand. He turned around and found Hinata staring at him.
"Tell me why we're here...before we go..." Hinata said pulling Yamaguchi back. The green-haired boy just smiled softly.
"That's not important, right now I need to know you're ok," Hinata reluctantly nodded and let Yamaguchi lead him back down the path.
Yamaguchi had pulled into the driveway of the house and was about to leave when Hinata grabbed his hand. The boy had been quiet the entire ride home but he seemed to have regained his senses.
"Oh! Hey, I wanted to say sorry. I should have thought that through before taking you there," Yamaguchi said sitting back down in the driver's seat. Hinata shook his head and smiled indicating that he was ok.
"No, it's ok you didn't know...but why did we go there anyway?" Hinata asked, that old curiosity was back. Yamaguchi went instantly quiet. He could brush it off and say it was just for a picnic. Avoid confessing to the person he loved in the front seat of a dusty car...and also probably miss the only chance he would get to tell Hinata everything. Yamaguchi took a deep breath and felt butterflies fill his stomach.
"I took you there because after nightfall you can see the entire city illuminated from up there. I found it after some digging on the net. I wanted to tell you how much I love you and I had this entire speech and everything planned out but confessing in the front seat of your mom's car is fine too," Yamaguchi said chuckling sheepishly. Silence stretched and Yamaguchi's nerves acted up. He internally begged Hinata to say something, reject him even, just anything but this infernal silence.
"Backtrack, you love me?" Hinata asked finally in a shrill voice. Yamaguchi flinched and hesitantly nodded.
"...Yeah?" Hinata's mouth stretched into a wide smile and he practically leaped at Yamaguchi so that he was sitting on Yamaguchi's lap and hugging him tightly.
"I love you too," Hinata whispered softly, his voice overcome with emotion. Yamaguchi buried his head in Hinata's shoulder letting out a breath and smiling breathing in the comforting smell of Hinata's lemon fabric softener. Although, when they tried to pull away both found that the steering wheel kept them quite close to each other. Both burst with laughter at the predicament a few sniffles thrown in between.
"Here, I'll pull back and you can get out," Yamaguchi muttered while pushing the seat back to give them more room. Hinata scrambled out of the car and straightened his T-Shirt. Yamaguchi followed after him. As the taller boy stood up his leg caught and he stumbled forward yelping in surprise. Hinata reached out instantly and grabbed him. Yamaguchi straightened up still holding Hinata's hand and found that they were much closer than he had anticipated.
I could tell you time froze or something, but really it was them that froze. The world continued ticking and moving while two boys stood on the driveway hands together and eyes locked. Stars shone above them as they waited for the silence to break.
"Can I kiss you?" Yamaguchi asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Hinata's eyes dropped to Yamaguchi's lips and he nodded.
"Yeah," The kiss was nothing like they had expected. Some say your first real kiss is something of an explosion. Other's say it fills you with relief. Even sometimes like you're floating. It's different for everyone. For Yamaguchi and Hinata it was soft, gentle not hungry or heated.
It was...something of a dream.
You don't understand how long I have waited to use the word Petrichor
Petrichor: the scent of rain on dry earth
...So we've finally reached the end huh? It was nice to write this even though I was not that great at updating. (Sorry about that by the way)\
There were supposed to be more chapters and then I started this and it just ended like this. I definitely did not expect it. I am satisfied though so I guess it ok.

Stargazing With You (YamaHina)
Fiksi PenggemarTW!! Mentions of Suicide, Abuse, Panic Attacks, Death, R@p3 (IF I MISSED ANY WARNINGS PLEASE SEND ME A MESSAGE) Yamaguchi hasn't felt loved since he was 5. Ever since his parents had left him to his uncle and aunt he had felt nothing but pain and lo...