022 kick his ass, red

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Iida set aside a minute to comfort the sulking Naoko, assuring her that his hand is hardly injured enough to call herself such names

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Iida set aside a minute to comfort the sulking Naoko, assuring her that his hand is hardly injured enough to call herself such names.

Soon enough, the pair left the temporary infirmary, readying themselves to watch at least the final moments of the match between Tokoyami and the vine girl from 1-B, Shiozaki Ibara. As they neared the student section, Iida suddenly went rigid and his whole body began to vibrate, the abruptness making Naoko squeak and flinch back.

The boy pulled out a cell phone from his pocket, and excused himself with a bow.

Naoko stepped up to the entrance of the student section, but ran smack into someone as they exited.

"Oop, sorry Naoko-chan!" Kirishima put an arm on her shoulder to steady the girl, scratching his head awkwardly before she replied.

"You're fine!" She smiled, glancing to Kirishima's side where Bakugo stood with his arms crossed, "I'm guessing I missed Tokoyami-san's fight, huh? Are you two heading down there?"

"Yeah!" Kirishima laughed heartily, "Ready to watch me give Bakugo a beat down?"

"Hell yeah! Can't wait to fight you in the finals, Kiri!" Naoko joked along, waiting for Bakugo to explode.

"Oi! You don't got shit on me, hair-for-brains! I'm gonna fucking murder you!"

"Yeah, yeah. See ya, Naoko-chan!" Kirishima laughed again, patting Naoko's head and running off before Bakugo could hit him.

The girl yelled behind him, "You'll do great!" To which he punched a fist in the air.

Naoko turned to the still fuming Bakugo, speaking softly, "Y'know we're just teasing right? In all honesty, I kinda hope you win so that if I don't make it to the finals, at least I can watch you kick my brother's ass."

Bakugo lowered his head, and let out an amused huff that probably would've been mistaken for anger by anyone else.

"I'm kicking your ass and I'm not gonna stand for anything else, Goosebumps. I'm still pissed about the entrance exam bullshit." Bakugo elbowed her bicep lightly then flashed an evil grin, "Though bashing in Icyhot's face does sound real fucking appealing."

Bakugo stepped around the girl, following after Kirishima, "But... I'll just leave that to you. You better fuckin' win."

"You better fuckin' win too, Bakugo!"

With that, Naoko finally made her way into the stands, sitting cozy between Ashido and Sero, and got ready to watch two of her friends fight.

By no means did Naoko think of Kirishima as weak. His quirk was incredible, no matter how badly he thought of it, and she knew it held a lot of potential for even more growth, a lot of potential to someday become truly unbreakable. But Bakugo was absolutely relentless. They had seemed evenly matched at first, Kirishima's hardening quirk the perfect match to deal with Bakugo's explosions. But after a drawn out brawl of the classic "unstoppable force meets immoveable object," the unstoppable force of Bakugo Katsuki evidently began to emerge as the victor.

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