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Soon enough, Present Mic yelled out, "Start!"

Without wasting a second, Naoko sent a massive blast of fire toward Bakugo, the size similar to those in her fight with Shoto. As soon as the fire began to die down, sharp pains zipped up Naoko's arms, sending her stumbling in surprise.

What the fuck was that?

Bakugo used his quirk to approach Naoko quickly, landing an explosive punch as she hacked up smoke from her quirk. The boy's hit connected perfectly, sending the coughing girl slamming into the ground.

Ignoring the searing pain in her arms, she stood up quickly, wiping at her tired eyes as she faced the blond head on.

"Your hair better do that fiery shit, or I'm gonna be pissed!" Bakugo growled as he ran at the girl again.

Naoko and Bakugo exchanged blows for what felt like forever. Every punch she threw was accompanied by flames that hurt her arms, and each hit he sent was riddled with explosions. The air in the arena began to heat with Naoko's quirk, and Bakugo grinned, feeling the sweat that built up on his skin.

"Hah, your fire's just gonna make me even stronger, dumbass!"

"Then I'll just overwhelm you, shithead!"

Naoko sent fire all around the arena she and Bakugo were in, heating the air rapidly, and Bakugo used the chance to dart forward, hitting her with explosions that she could hardly dodge.

Naoko ducked under a punch and dived forward, rolling to land behind Bakugo. Settled on her knees, she used a blast of fire to propel herself into him. Her skin started to feel like it had when Shigaraki held onto her and disintegrated part of her forearm at the U.S.J., but she pushed forward, tackling the blond to the ground.

She crouched over him, readying her fire to send another blast as he charged up an explosion. Just as the flames bubbled above her skin however, Naoko was overcome with pain from them. It wasn't that the fire was burning her, no, it was far from 'too hot.' But it felt like there was a living creature under her skin and it was ripping her open to get out.

The girl stumbled off of Bakugo, just as he threw a punch to her stomach. She held her arms to her chest, breathing heavy as her body convulsed.

She whimpered a few curses before getting to her feet, turning just in time to dodge another explosion from her friend.

Swallowing her worries, Naoko lifted her hands, aiming them at Bakugo as he glared at her, palms alight. At the same second, they sent forth respective blasts, but only Bakugo's made an appearance.

Naoko fell to her knees with a sharp scream, the pain in her arms traveling up her neck and face. The fire she had prepared to send at Bakugo had extinguished itself, and it felt as though it retreated into her body with the sole purpose of hurting her.

𝐍𝐀𝐎𝐊𝐎 𝘣𝘰𝘬𝘶 𝘯𝘰 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘰 𝘢𝘤𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘢 (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now