025 prove it

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content warning for abuse , there's a warning when it comes!

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content warning for abuse ,
there's a warning when it comes!

There was something almost symbolic in the way Naoko couldn't see her siblings behind Endeavor as he led her down the hall. It made her feel helpless, it terrified her to the core. She couldn't see Fuyumi's comforting smile, couldn't see Natsuo promise to help her as soon as he can. She couldn't see Shoto—what would he look like in that moment? She'd never gotten to see him look worried for her before.

She faced forward again, her father's large hand on her shoulder gently guiding her to the main training room. Footsteps followed behind them, maybe they were hoping to stop Endeavor.

But they all knew they wouldn't be able to.

The sliding door to the training room was quiet as it opened, Endeavor having Naoko enter before him. The door latched shut with an audible click while his hand still rested gently on the girl's shoulder.

Naoko stood still with baited breath, hands trembling as Endeavor let out a long sigh. Her fingers twitched from the drawback of what she had done in her fight with Shoto, sharp pains still pricking her skin even hours later.

"So," Endeavor began, "U.A., huh?"

The man stepped around her, not even looking in her direction. His calm behavior only served to make Naoko more apprehensive. He walked toward the window that lined the entire far wall of the room, crossing his arms over his costumed chest as he stared outside.

He looked down, shaking his head with a huff of air, "You're just like him. You don't listen."

Endeavor didn't need to say a name for Naoko to know who he was talking about.

The girl opened her mouth to speak, but Endeavor turned around and stepped toward her, making her flinch back instead.

"You're not becoming a damn hero. This fantasy of yours is exactly what killed your brother, since he couldn't get it through his head either. Your quirks are not good enough. You're just gonna get yourself hurt too."

Naoko tensed up, staring at the ground with watery eyes and whispering, "Don't act like you care."

He didn't hear her, "Give it up, would you? I've been telling you your whole life, you're not cut out for this."

"No..." She interrupted, "You've been telling me after you decided my quirk wasn't good enough. Before that, you trained me, you told me I'd be a hero, you're the one who said I'd be the best."

"And now I'm the one telling you it's not going to happen!" He grit his teeth and sighed to calm himself, "I'm pulling you from U.A.-"

"What? You can't do that!-"

𝐍𝐀𝐎𝐊𝐎 𝘣𝘰𝘬𝘶 𝘯𝘰 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘰 𝘢𝘤𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘢 (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now