017 ghost of him

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Naoko sat emotionlessly in the waiting room. Her lips were set in a line, teal eyes peering into nothingness.

Other students came and went, fiddling with their belongings to help ease their nerves about the upcoming battles.

Kaminari Denki. That was Naoko's first fight.

The boy was sweet, a bit of a goof but Naoko enjoyed his company. He sat with her at lunch since the beginning of the year, and the table was always bright with his laughter. He has made a few comments that weren't... the best... but Naoko could tell he always had good intentions. The second he'd see her face morph with discomfort, he'd backtrack to a subject where the girl's subtle smile could appear again. He really liked seeing people smile.

His quirk was strong, indiscriminate electricity. Sure, it burnt him out, but if one wasn't fast enough there was likely no way to get passed it in a one on one fight. Hell, he managed to shock a majority of the students motionless during the cavalry battle. She didn't want to underestimate him. Despite appearances, the boy was strong and not as stupid as people thought. And if he got to her before she got to him, there wouldn't be much of a fight.

Speed, speed, speed. It seemed everything was boiling down to that one component. That one strength, the one skill she focused on during training.

As it stood, the girl wasn't adamant about firepower being her main weapon. Giant blasts and searing heat weren't things that Naoko necessarily wanted in her repertoire. Small controlled hits and avoidance were the girl's main moves. Anything else caused too much damage, she would know.

On occasion, maybe she'd need those large blasts, like at the U.S.J... or even during the entrance exam. But she had looked back at the zero point robot and saw its metal plating melting off, falling to the street and breaking the concrete, the bot itself having fallen on a building.

There was too much collateral, and it wasn't something she wanted under her name. Endeavor was infamous for recklessness. Despite having the most villain defeats under his belt, controversy surrounded him and how careless he seemed to be about damages.

Naoko would like to distance herself from that if she could. Her philosophy her whole life has been that fire isn't inherently destructive. It's warm and bright and feels like home.

She hated how her quirk was marred by her father's reputation.

With her thoughts racing, father's face flashing in her mind, the girl camped out in 1-A's waiting room, listening to the first battle start.

The crowd's cheering was muffled from where she was, and it wasn't a very long fight, surprisingly. Naoko figured the freckled boy would've had time to break a few fingers before the fight was over.

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