027 a guiding light

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"King Explosion Murder!"

"I think you'd be better off retiring that one."

"What? Why?"

"What about Blasty McSplode!"

Naoko twirled her marker around on her fingers, still thinking about what her hero name should be, and still coming up blank. Her eyes burned into the blank board on her desk, unaware of anybody watching her worriedly.

Shoto honestly expected her to be one of the first people to share. While he couldn't come up with anything and simply settled on his given name, he figured his sister would have chosen the nickname given to her by their late older brother. And if not that, he'd have thought she had something in mind that was similar. Either way, the way her head tilted down and her hair fell into her face made him strangely sad.

"That went smoother than I thought it would!" Midnight called out, relieved, "All that's left is Bakugo's revision, Iida, Midoriya, and Naoko."

Iida stood from his desk after a moment's hesitation, Naoko only sparing him a single glance before zoning back out, her leg bouncing up and down under her desk as she worried that she'd get in trouble for not coming up with anything.

Soon enough, Midoriya took his turn, surprising the class as he settled on his childhood nickname, Deku, which he had hoped to change the meaning of. Bakugo growled from his seat, leaned over his empty board with his uncapped marker gripped in his angry fist. The class settled down enough for Bakugo to go up again and share his revision.

"Lord Explosion Murder!"

"Again, not gonna fly."

After a few minutes of chatter, a good portion of the class not even realizing not everyone had shared, the bell for lunch rang out. Midnight watched Naoko bite her lip in her seat, and once the majority of the class vacated, the hero made her way to the student. Shoto had stood back, and Naoko's friend group waited at the door, but Midnight nodded for them to head out as she took a seat next to Naoko.

"Having trouble?" She asked with a soft smile.

Naoko jolted in her seat, having been zoned out to where she didn't even hear the bell. The girl looked around the classroom, startled to see it was completely empty but her and her teacher.

"Uh," She gulped, "Y-yeah. I thought I had something, but I don't think I really want it as my hero name..."

"Hm? Well, I'll grant you some extra time to come up with something, alright? Don't forget, it can be temporary, so it's not a bad thing to pick a placeholder, like your brother did!"

Naoko hums despondently, making Midnight's grin falter. The woman observed the girl for a few seconds, noticing the heavy bags under her eyes and her ghostly pale complexion. Her cheekbone had been hidden by her hair for most of the day, but as the girl tilted her head with a sigh, still staring at her empty white board, Midnight caught the slightest discoloration on her skin.

𝐍𝐀𝐎𝐊𝐎 𝘣𝘰𝘬𝘶 𝘯𝘰 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘰 𝘢𝘤𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘢 (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now