Chapter 16- Dinner

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Hiya, this next chapter will hopefully not be as long as the last one, but if it is then sorry. Unless you like the longer chapters in which case tell me.



Maya's POV

"You didn't answer. How did you get so many scars?" He repeated, his tone softer now, and his eyes back to their normal crystal blue.

"Dude, you haven't got the time."

"Today's my day off and I have no curfew either. I've got time." he retaliated.

"Fine." I decided. There was no harm in giving him some information,

"But just know that you asked for this."

I took a breath: What did I get into? Stupid brain not connecting with my stupid mouth, I began to fiddle with my fingers, trying to think of what to do, as a lump formed in my throat at the thought of Xander's reaction. Because one thing was apparent to me; Xander wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore. Wait, no. He isn't my friend. I can't have friends. But they are my friends... are they really? How did I screw up so much?

It was so simple. Check in with them every few weeks. Go about living life. Don't get attached. Don't draw his attention. Move after 2 months. It had only been 3 weeks, not even a month. But I'd screwed it all up.

"Are you going to say anything or are you just going to sit there?" He kneeled down in front of me, giving me no choice but to look at him.

Trying to seem unaffected, and keep up my act, I refused to look him straight in the eye, Instead deciding to mess with the hem of my tank top.

Xander's POV

I could tell she was clearly avoiding the subject, but I needed to know who did this to her. I needed to find them and hurt them, for hurting my mate. I crouched down, making it easier for her to look at me, but she just looked down and began playing with her top. Having enough of the silence, I tilted her chin up, giving her no choice but to look me in the eye.

Her eyes met mine, and the look that I had mistaken for boredom became clear to me as confusion and.... regret? Her eyes were glazed over, and were red, like someone who had been crying, and her eyebrows were knit together. Making sure to keep the anger from my voice, I spoke,

"Who hurt you." My tone as soft as possible considering I wanted to rip out someone's throat.

Maya let out a choked breath, as tears slipped from her eyes. Holding her head in my hand, I used my thumb to wipe them from her cheek. She took a steadying breath, before speaking, her voice quite and frail,

"Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?" I asked back,

"Treating me like a person?"

My heart broke at her reply, causing me to instinctively hug her for the second time today. Her small frame become engulfed by me. wriggling out of my grip slightly, She opened her mouth to speak again. Tears- at this point- running freely down her face. A small patter of footsteps cut her off before she began though, as a small boy walked freely into the room.

"Maya, mum's sayi-" The boy stopped mid-sentence, as he looked at me, then to Maya, and back to me again.

"Why are you hugging Maya?" His eyebrows furrowed together,

"She was upset." I stated, causing his face to light up,

"Told you that you were depressed." He stated matter of factly before hope flashed in his eyes. That's when I realized he was trying to cheer her up. How saying that cheered her up, I failed to see. But it had the desired effect.

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