Chapter 19- Truth or Dare

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What up Peeps 😋. Ok, so at the end of the chappie, there is a very important message about next week's update... Enjoy

"Poker." I nodded to myself.

"They're 6."

"Poker." I stated as though it was obvious

"We are not playing poker with them."

"But it's Poker." I pleaded, "We can use poker chips instead."

"They're 6!" He stressed.

"Dude what have you got against poker?" I smirked.

Xander simply looked at me, eyebrow raised.

"Fine. Be that way." I scoffed playfully.

"Let's play truth or dare." I suggested finally, getting nods all round.

We all sat down on the floor, Chris sitting in Xander's lap. After a lot of squabbling between the twins, it was decided that Cami was going to start. Looking to her older brother, her eyes flickered to me for a second before she smiled widely.

"Xandy..... truth or dare?" Cami smile widened.

"Camilla.... be nice please." Xander begged jokingly, "Dare."

"You have to drink any milkshake that she makes you... And you have to finish it." She giggled pointing at me.

We all walked to the kitchen, where Xander took out The blender. I opened his fridge, a Cheshire grin growing on my face as I spotted a sardine tin.

'Do it. Do it. Do it.' Cora cheered on, knowing exactly what I was about to do.

I grabbed the tin, as well as some strawberries, chocolate, a banana and cheese . Putting them all on the counter, I realized that the twins were struggling to see, so I grabbed a chair from the breakfast bar, dragging it over to the counter. Before Xander- whose face was twisted in disgust- helped Chris onto it, as I helped Cami onto the counter.

I emptied the contents of the tin into the blender, handing the banana to Cami for peeling as I added in a few strawberries- stalks and all. Cami dropped in the peeled banana, as I added some broken chocolate bits in. Picking up the untouched block of cheese, I offered it to Chris, who looked at it sceptically, declining the choice to put it in. Shrugging, I tossed in, shutting the lid.

I looked to the twins for approval, Cami nodded quickly, while Chris just gave a brief nod, not really looking me in the eye. Turning ro face Xander, I gave him a big smile, tilting my head to the side and fluttering my eyes at him. His mouth was still contorted, but his eyes betrayed him, showing me the happiness he truly felt.


Barely a few minutes had passed, and we all stood around the blender as it whirred, turning the mixture a peculiar grey colour... Well it was also kind of yellow. And it looked a bit pink. Everything was now combined, and after pouring it into a glass, I sprinkled in some paprika and cinnamon.

"I do believe the honour is yours." I mocked a bow as I handed the glass to Cami, who was giggling again. Chris whispered something into her ear, causing her to hand the drink to him.

Xander was then handed the drink, as he looked at me pleadingly to which I simply bitch grinned. Shuddering, he began to gulp down the drink as I began to chant.

"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug," by now the twins had joined in as I banged on the counter.

Xander finished the drink as he immediately ran to the toilet, retching noises echoing through the hall, while I felt an odd burning in my throat.

A few moments later, he emerged again as we all sat down and continued for a while until we saw the time.

"Ok squirts, it's bedtime. D'you wanna sleep over, or would you like me to drop ya' back to the pack house?" Xander kneeled down to meet their level. Both kids groaned, before deciding they would sleep here. The two ran up the stairs, Xander following behind. While I walked over to the sofa and picked up my glass of water, emptying it.

As the cool water ran down my throat, the burning sensation faded away, causing me to sigh in relief. What had caused that to happen? I hadn't eaten anything, and that feeling usually only happened when I threw up. I would know: there was a point in time where I'd upchuck everything I ate. Xander was the one who had thrown up. Thinking about it though, it wasn't the first time something like this had happened, but times being when Xan-

My trail of thoght was abruptly ended, as the front door swung wide open, banging against the wall. The noise sounded terrifyingly similar to the sound of a hammer hitting a nail, causing me to shut my eyes instantly, squeezing my right hand where the trace of a circle scar was left behind.

"What up Rat Bastard," a voice declared, making my eyes shoot open.

"Oh and Maya... Since when were you here?" Brody continued as he looked around- presumably for Xander.

"Oh hi Maya, when did you get here?" Mara walked up to me.

"I, err. I've been here since school ended." I focused my gaze onto Brody, a classic smirk appearing on my face, "The Rat Bastard is upstairs helping Cami and Chris get ready to sleep, I'll go and get him." I adjusted my leather jacket as I got up and made my way up the stairs, naturally quieting my footfall.

"Love you Xandy." I made out the hushed voice of Cami.

"G'night Xandy." Chris whispered as I came closer to the floor they were on.

"I love you two so much, you know that? Now go to sleep, in the morning we can spend the whole day together." Xander whispered back to them. I couldn't see him, but I could tell he was smiling.

"The whole day?" Chris questioned his older brother.

"The whole day squirt, I promise."

By now, I reached the room the three of them were in, and I watched as Xander tucked  Cami's blanket in, while I leant against the doorframe.

"When's Bella coming back?" Cami asked, worry clear on her face, even in the dark.

"Izzy'll be back in a few months, Cam. In time for your birthday. Now stop worrying." Xander cooed, stroking his little sister's cheek. Leaning down, he gave her a kiss on the forehead. Before doing the same to Chris who was now asleep.

Xander looked at the two of them, the loving expression on his face causing me to smile subconsciously. He then turned around, finally realising my presence.

A slightly confused look crossed his face. He was about to speak, but I stopped him, putting a finger to  his lips as we walked out of the room, Xander gently closing the door.

"How long have you been there?" He asked softly, taking my finger away from his mouth.

"Longer then you'd think." I shrugged, "Brody and Mara are here. They are downstairs." I shared with him, as we began to make our way downstairs where we somehow all decided to play truth or dare.

So here we are, all sat in a square, preparing to play truth or dare, with a bottle of beer.

This would be interesting.

Soooo, i hope you lor liked the chapter, please do tell me what you enjoyed or didn't like about the chapters, I love hearing from you...


Next week's update, WON'T BE NORMAL.,  It will be written by my friend therockingjay , and WON'T BE CANNON. basically whatever she has happen in the chapter has nothing to do with any past or future chapters and is like and extra. The reason for this, Is to give myself some time to edit past chapters ao that there are no plot holes or continuity errors. Please do check out next week's update cause I've read it and it's hilarious.... But Chapter 20 will be published the week after.

Have a great day/ night.
Charlotte 😘

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