Chapter 1- New In Town

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Hiya, Charlotte here, Finally we have the first chapter 🤣.... Let's do this thing😝.


The beepining of my alarm made me aware that morning had come. I had slept for a full 4 hours that night, waking up at 3 this morning, and unfortunately it was one of the best night's sleep I'd had since I put myself back in the system.

"Morning dear, time to get up if you want to get ready for school in ti- oh, nevermind your already up...." The unfamiliar lady spoke before promptly leaving the room. Who was this woman? 

'she's our new foster mum' Cora reminded me, Cora was this thing in my head that said she was a part of me. But, all I knew was that she was my best- and possibly only- friend. Well, other than Jess.

Cora yet again reminded me that I had a new family. The Lewis' had finally kicked me out. The fifth foster family to kick me out since I got back. They all do that, kick me out, It inevitable, they all end up hating me- and I don't blame them. I hate me to.

After getting dressed into my clothes and walking to the school, I headed to head's office, I was now sat on a chair just outside.

"Ah, you must be Maya Henderson, yes?" Who I assumed was the headmistress asked. I simply nodded and followed her inside.

"I have seen that you have only just moved to town with your new famil-"

"Foster family," I quickly correct,

 'I hate when they say that' Cora huffed in my head. I had no real family, they abandoned me when I was a baby.

"Sorry, foster family, and am aware of your panic attacks. We have scheduled councillor meeting for you next week." 

'I hate seeing the counselors, they always feel like they're judging us, they don't even know why we get them ' Cora growled and I silently agreed, 

"I hope you settle in okay." She smiled, she seemed nice enough but I refused to get attached. I would be in a new home, with a new family soon enough.

After giving me a map of the school and my timetable and so on, she led me to my tutor room. I made an effort to try and remember the number.

'ooh, 128, we should make a rhyme to remember it, oh I've got it, 128 let's cele-brate your birth-day' 

'Cora, I don't even remember when it is, unless you do?' I questioned to which she enthusiastically replied tomorrow.... My birthday was tomorrow. Huh, so it had been almost 18 years since my parents left me, 11 years since I escaped him.

"Class, today we have a new student here with us, Maya Henderson, I want you all on your nicest behaviour, You too boys."

 The teacher said, smirking at a group at the back of the class.
As I stood there in front of everyone, I kept my eyes glued to the floor, you would think moving around alot made me used to getting attention- but no, I was still as awkward and silent as I always was at this part of starting a new school.

"Can she sit here sir?" A voice rang out amongst the unnerving silence. My head shot up and my eyes were met with sky blue ones, her skin was flawless and her hair almost challenged the length of my own, flowing down in strawberry blonde sheets.

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