Chapter 22- Giant Freaks

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Good lordy I made it to Chapter 22 and there are actually people who read this. (Apparently)
Thanks so much for reading this thing, it means a lot. Honestly 🥺☺️


Maya's POV

A sharp beeping sound caused me to stir. I felt my chest rise and fall with each breath as I woke up. Turning to my side, I realised that there was something around my waist causing my hand to fly down toward it.

The beeping noise continued, causing me to groan as I began recalling last night. I remember now, that I had sung somthing or other from my sketchbook as a dare, and that I had cashed in one of my 3 wishes from Xander when he had asked about my tattoo and the meaning behind it.




The beeping noise got higher and higher pitched, and was doing my hungover state no favours. That's when it occurred to me that I didn't actually know where the noise was coming from....oh yeah, I forgot a key detail- I don't actually care.



"Make it stoooopppppp." I groaned, turning onto my stomach as I realized that it was an arm that was around my waist, causing me to freak out slightly before I discovered that it was Xander. I let out a sigh of relief, before wondering why I was relieved. This wasn't the first time that Xander being nearby had calmed me down. Why though, it's not like w...


Xander's grip on my waist tightened, as he let out a groan.

"Mara, if you don't switch off that alarm, I'm going to break it in half."

Turning my head, I watched as Mara got up and walked over to the coffee table, grabbing her phone and switching off the noise, before flattening her skirt and running out of the room and up the stairs screaming.

"GUYS... We are going to be late for class!"

At her words, Brody shot up, and then ran up the stairs after her before I heard the noise of a door locking. I let out a small sigh, before closing my eyes once more and trying to get to sleep. I hadn't had a nightmare the entire night, and I wanted to see if I could continue my streak of 2, momentarily forgetting that Xander was still beside me.

I suddenly felt Xander get up from beside me, and took the opportunity to spread out. Feeling comfortable, I felt myself drifting off, until I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and pull me upright.

Opening my eyes, I turned to look at Xander,

"And what the fuck do you think you're doing?" I growled as he took my other arm.

"I'm getting you up so we can get to the school."

"I think not." I released my hands from his grasp and flopped back onto the floor. Xander, however, had other ideas. Grabbing my waist, her picked me up over his shoulder, and began to leave the room. Not before taking my leather jacket off of a chair.

Squirming around, I huffed in annoyance,

"What is it with you and Jess always slinging me over your shoulders?"

"It's cause your so short." Replied Xander as he began walking up the stairs.

"I, am NOT short. I'm 5'5. You lot are just giant freaks." I retaliated causing Xander to chuckle.


We had all gotten ready for the day, and ended up racing to the school, before heading into our tutor rooms, getting there just in time.

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