Chapter 7- Meeting The Pack (Kinda)

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Hi guys, so basically..... It may or may not be Friday 🙃yea. I'm not exactly well today, so I'm sorry if this chapter doesn't make complete sense.... Above is what Maya wears that day.
Enjoy ☺️


Maya's POV

The past 2 days felt like a dream, finding Jess again, meeting another werewolf, Xander. But, as all dreams do, this one must come to an end.

Don't worry, I'm only being dramatic, I've only just got to go to school... I honestly don't know why I chose to stay on and do sixth form.

'because I told you too and because you listen to me because I'm awesome.' Cora added as I took a shower, I ignored her though.

Stepping out of the shower, I wrapped up in a towel and began drying my hair with a hairdryer, thinking about Mara and Brody and our last encounter. It was awkward to say the least, and they saw me begin to shift.

'They said something about Xander, what if they are Werewolves too?' Cora added,

'You think so? I hope so cause we only just got here and I don't want to leave yet.' I replied to her, my hair was finally dry and I looked through my suitcase for something to wear. I knew I would leave eventually so I saw no point in unpacking.

I rumaged through the bag before finding a black and white plaid flannel shirt and some black ripped skinny jeans.

Deciding they would do, I put them on, before brushing out my brown hair and putting it in a quick messy bun. Afterward deciding that I didn't want to have it up, letting it flow down my back. I didn't bother with makeup because that would draw attention to myself, an I didn't need that. I was about to leave my room,  when I saw my black beanie on the table beside the door. Grabbing it, I left my room and left the house, heading for the diner.

I entered the diner to see it full of customers, only a few empty tables available- not including the bar- at this, a smile began to creep into my face.

"Jess, hi, where can I sit?" I called to the scruffy haired man with hair dark.

"Anywhere you want Ace." He replied, totally oblivious to what he had allowed me to do. I walked over to a table with an old couple sitting at it, the smile on my face now there for everyone to see,

"Hello there, would you mind moving so I can sit here? The man who owns this place said I can sit anywhere I want and this table looks nice." I asked, making sure that Jess was looking my way. The couple looked at me confused, but I ignored them, looking at Jess intently. Jess realized what was happening and rushed over, tipping over someone's coffee cup and abandoning a plate of food.

He reached me, apologizing to the couple as he picked my small figure up and tossed me over his shoulder before walking away from the table, me struggling to get out of his grip as he continued to the bar before placing me on a seat.

"Little Ace, when I said sit wherever you want, did it ever occur to you that I might have meant out of tables that were actually free?" He asked with a fake annoyed face,

"Nope." I replied simply,

"Black Coffee?" He asked,

"No, white coffee, yes black coffee you genius of a man." I joked as Jess filled a cup of coffee for me, before going to give other people their food.

I drank my coffee in silence, watching people walking past the diner, before getting up and going to the opposite side of the counter and getting myself a donut, and stuffing it in my mouth.

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