chapter 111 - mamma mia

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I took a deep breath. Danny sat in front of me, he picked my hands up but I pull them back, I twiddled my thumbs and look down.

Danny: babe, its ok, take your time…

I take a deep breath and gulp some wine and being.

Jess: ok, so I went over to L.A. about two months after the end of the last series and I met Kate. She seemed do nice, she was sweet, pretty and cared about me. I spent about 6 months over there and everything was amazing, then we came back to London for 2 months and she came with me, I didn’t think I could be that happy again… I fell so low after the end of the voice, we had that chat, I told you I didn’t love you but I loved you so much it hurt and I fucked it all up… she picked me back up and glued the pieces together again. And then we returned to L.A. and we went out for her birthday one night and this guy, um Jamie or something was all over me and she flipped. Started pounding him and screaming at him. Then after that it all went downhill, she started to control me more, it started with grabbing me, then hitting me and…

I paused. I wiped a tear from my eye.

Jess: holly found out and helped me get out, I sorted myself out, got help and everything was fine. Then… then she turned up at the apartment that I was staying in and forced herself in she grabbed me and chucked me onto the floor and it knocked me out. I came round tied to my kitchen chair, with the guy from her birthday tied in front of me… god I can still see this worried and confused face and eyes when I close mine… I don’t remember how long we were there but she came back and was fuming. She grabbed him, chucking him about and it was horrible. I remember screaming with tears running down my face… she was screaming ‘look at what you’ve done, do you see, she was mine, mine’ and other things. I screamed and screamed at her to stop, she wouldn’t she kept going and going and going.

I started to shake and tears spilled.

Danny: jess, Jessie look at me, look at me… shhh calm down…

I looked into his eyes and they calmed me down

Jess: I slammed my eyes shut… it all went quiet, all of a sudden. I opened my eyes all of a sudden and he was lying face down on the floor, blood everywhere… I don’t know where she had gone but I stared at it for hours… I must have fallen asleep, when I woke up I was untied and everything was clean- clean, clean. I didn’t think, I got up and ran out. When I got home I remember having a bath that was so hot it felt cold. I got rid of my clothes and holly turned up. I had a cut on my head, I hadn’t even realised…

There was a silence, Jackson had come and curled up in my lap and my hands shakily stroked him.

Danny: w-what did she do with him?

Jess: I don’t know… and I don’t want to…

Danny: you need to go to the police jess

I looked at him, I knew he was right

Jess: i-m scared

I whisper

Danny: its ok, I’ll be here every step of the way…

I nod and break down again, he hugs me. He holds me for ages, hour’s maybe. I didn’t want to leave his arms.

Jess: I love you so much Danny, please don’t ever leave me

Danny: shhh baby, I love you too… im never going to let you go…

My phone ringed and it was my mum. I took a deep breath and answered.

Jess: hey mum


I feel terrible for jess. That must have been… horrific. Im going to stand by her and help her though. She was on the phone to her mum for about an hour and a half. We snuggled down on the sofa and watched mamma mia- just because it was on.

Jess: remember out first date thing when we were younger? You came to mine and…

*flash back*

I arrive at her door and ring the doorbell. I hear her running about before the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen opened the door.

Jess: hi come in come in

We grabbed a bottle of Fanta, come popcorn and Doritos. She was sat on the floor trying to get the DVD player to work, it wasn’t.

Jess: why won’t it workkkkkk

She huffed giving up. I laugh at her cuteness.

Danny: I don’t know, um why don’t we just watch a film that’s on TV and I’ll make you one of my famous hot chocolates yeah?

Jess: sounds great

She came over and pecked my lips. I went to her kitchen and tried to find all the bits to make a hot chocolate- good job I came prepared. I made my famous hot chocolates and took them threw. She had gotten out some blankets and had a film paused. I sat down with her and passed her a mug.

Jess: mmm smell gorgeous

Danny: like you then

Jess: cheesy as always

I smile and kiss her head. She clicks play and its mamma mia, she sings along and makes me smile so much. Im so happy!

*end of flash back*

Jess: you know what?

Danny: what?

Jess: could do with one of your famous hot chocolates right about now…

Danny: yeah? Ok

Jess: thank you

I smile and kiss her before going and making a hot chocolate each. It’s like all them years ago…




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