chapter 70 - daydreamin

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im trying to get ready, i had my ankle operated on about a week ago and it hurts alot! im on high amounts of pain killers! i slowly pull a pair of shinny leggings on and then a silky purple shirt top. i put a pair of black converse on and some jewellery.

i dont care if the make up artists and wardrobe people dont like it because i look ok, im comfy and it hurts to much to get changed again. i down my coffee as i hear a car beep outside. i grab my bag, phone and anything else i need. i pick my crutches up and hobble out.

i open the door and danny is stood there, he smiles and gives me sympthetic look and i give him a 'im fed up' one. he laughs and helps me lock the door. i helps me into his car before running round and getting in.

jess: thank you so much for this dan!

danny: its fine! how is it then?

jess: hurts so much! but we are so far behind on filming i cant have any more time off so brave face it is...

danny: awh

jess: i cant believe i fell off! im so stupid! it was funny though- looking back on it now...

danny: haha i guess it was a little. oh god have you seen the new twitter craz?

jess: no what is it?

danny: look...

i open my phone and scroll through my feed, all the normal- notice me, follow me, see this, but there is some stuff not normal- stuff danny is tagged in. i open on tweet,

tweet: @jessiecrazyok how amazing would these two be as a couple?! please! your guys would look so cute together! #janny #o'j #dessie #jannycouple @JessieJ @TheScript_Danny

there was a picture of me and dan. there were loads of tweets with #janny and stuff. saying they ship janny. really?! for god sake! i decided to tweet

tweet: @JessieJ whats all this #janny stuff? really guys? @TheScript_Danny has a girlfriend... haha you guys do make me laugh with your wishes!

i close my phone as we pull up.

danny: its crazy isnt it...

jess: yeah, they seem to have your mind...

i smirk and pull myself out.

danny: i thought we were over that?

jess: we are *laugh*

danny: it was your mind too

we laugh as he hands me my crutches i thank him and we go in. we find tom and will in the 'chillax room' really is that the best name they could have thought of?!

danny: you ok? need help? to sore?

jess: dan chill, god your like i dont know, im fine

i laugh and he does too. just as we open the door we are called to have our mics fitted. i keep getting sympathetic looks- its getting annoying now!

we all stand ready to go out on stage apart from will who is perfroming first.

holly: please welcome your 4 fabulous judgess!!!

the doors open and we walk out- well i hobble.

holly: the legand that is Sir Tom Jones! the irish man that is Danny O'donoghue! and back after a nasty fall the one and only Jessie JJJJJJ!!!!!

we smile and take a seat.

holly: how are we judges? jessie?

jessie: im good, looking stupid with my big club foot *laughs* but the lives give me such a buzz and i have one big power performace!

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