chapter 79 - we should just...

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I need to talk to danny! We have to go to the new studio today, I put a pair of nike trainers on, with a pair of leggings and baggy, silk blue top. I check my hair in the mirror while picking up my bag and stuffing things I may need in it. I leave my room and get into the lift.

We all have pent houses, its so nice! Its like having a huge open plan flat! Danny didn't answer my text earlier but it said he read it so... I walk out of the lobby and see the lads stood outside waiting for the cars to take us.

Jess: hi boys

Will: hi Jessie! How are you?

Jess: a little hung over but fine you?

Will: awh did we drink to much while out with holly last night? *laughs* im good thanks

Jess: yes, two bottles of wine each I think... bad idea

Tom: its so nice to have the old gang back together! I don't think it would be as good if someone new had of joined...

Will: I agree

Tom and will's cars pull up leaving me and danny stood there. I know I need to talk to him. You can do this jess! Get over yourself! I look up from the gorund and he is looking the other way,

Jess: um dan?

Danny: what?!

Jess: look, im sorry ive been a itch and we cant go on like this, we need to sort things out can we talk about it? Us?

Danny: no... I tired for a whole series and after to get you... to talk about us...ive tried and tired and tried! and ive moved on now jess, I don't care anymore...

I try not laugh- no laughs the wrong word, just I don't believe him

Jess: I don't believe you don't care anymore... wanna know why?

Danny: *sigh* why

Jess: you called me jess... when you were trying to get over me or wanted to hate me you would call me Jessie but you always called me jess when we dated and when you cared about me...



Danny: no jessIE! Im done trying to win you over or sort things out! Im not just going to come running because you click your fingers! This whole thing has been hurting me so much!

Jess: hurting you? Whats and it hasn't me? The sleepless nights, millions apon millions of tears over you, the heart ache!

His car pulled up as a tear rolled down my cheek,

Danny: Why cant you leave me alone?

me not leave HIM alone?! What did he do all last series?!

Jess: because I love you... isn't that obvious? I love you!

We stood there is silence, I was faced away from him though. I finally heard him get in his car and leave as mine pulled up. i can see how this series is going to go! We pull up to the new studio and are shown about.

Im in my new dressing room writing danny a note, we have to stay here a bit because of more paper work and shit. Ugh paper work! I finish my note and walk to find his dressing room, mine and his aren't opposite each other now *sad face* but I walk down the corridor to his.

I knock and he doesn't answer

Jess: danny?

Nothing, I open it and he isn't in here. I look about for somewhere to put it that he will see it. I spot his jacket on the sofa and lay it on top. I walk out and go back to my dressing room and wait to be called.

What Is Love? - Danny O'donoghue and Jessie J Fan-Fiction.Where stories live. Discover now