chapter 109 - im a mess

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I pull my trainers on and my hoodie over my head.

Jess: Jackson, come here

I whisper and attach his lead. I pick him up and sneak him into my bag and walk down to the lobby and into my car.

Max: morning Jessie

Jess: morning max, um could you drop me at the park near the studio please?

Max: sure thing

I sat back and look out the window. We soon stop and Jackson leaps out my bag and starts licking max.

Max: well hello

Jess: oh god im so sorry

Max: don’t be

I get Jackson under control

Jess: please don’t tell anyone I have a dog

Max: what dog?

He smiles at me and I thank him before getting out and plugging my head phones in. I put my Spotify music on shuffle and start to run. Jackson runs alongside me with his tongue flapping out the side. I smile and run. It feels so good to be out. I need the fresh air to clear my head.

When I was in L.A. I got into the habit of running 6 miles, yes miles, every morning. The madness of being home again I haven’t had a chance but im going to start. I need to get back into shape and also it helps me clear my head and helps with my depression.

I’ve run about 3 and half miles before fast walking to the voice studios. I pick Jackson up and hide him in the bag before almost running to my dressing room. Partly because of Jackson and partly because I look disgusting and sweaty!

I get to my dressing room and put Jackson down. I full a bowl of water for him because he must be thirsty as hell. There’s a knock at the door.

Jess: who is it?

It opens and Danny comes in, he just walks over and grabs me and kisses me. He stands back and I stumble back a little and for words

Jess: um, morning

Danny: I missed you this morning

Jess: i took Jackson for a run but don’t come to close I stink and are all sweaty!

Danny: I don’t care babe

Jess: I do

He laughs and comes closer wrapping his arms round my waist

Jess: please im yucky at the moment

Danny: shhh

He kisses me again,

Jess: I need a shower

Danny: maybe I need one too

I laugh and grab his hand and drag him into my bathroom still giggling like a school girl. I undress him while he does me. We get into the shower and have a quick shower washing each other along with other things.  

We get out and he wraps a towel round his waist as I wrap myself in my dressing gown and walk out.

Danny: well that was… different

I laugh

Holly: finally, god you guys are aloud…

I cover my now bright red face

Danny: oh hi holly

Holly: hi Danny

Jess: what, what you doing here?

Holly: stage stuff? With your team?

Jess: oh god right yeah

Danny: I’ll see you in a bit babe

Jess: ok

He turns round and pecks my lips before leaving.

Holly: sex at work? Really?

Jess: spicing it up ok

I laugh

Holly: classy

Jess: shut up miss I did it in a public toilet with glen

I smirk

Holly: shhhhh!!!

I get dressed in an outfit that had been chosen for me. I can’t even pick my own clothes now. I dry my hair and was about to start my make up when Danny C called me. I go to his office and he tells me to sit down.

Danny c: Jessie, right im going to get straight to the point… your behaviour, not acceptable… your very lucky that I have persuaded them to let you stay…

Jess: im very sorry for the way I acted, everything just got a little too much

Danny c: I understand that but Jessie you put a women in hospital and nearly killed her

Jess: stop talking to me like you know everything that happened! She was stalking me; she left me in hospital fighting for my life-

Danny c: so how you acted was ok?

Jess: im not saying that! Its fine, im back on my meds and running again and it’s all fine…

Danny c: anymore out bursts or anything Jessie and that’s it, im sorry

Jess: fine, never again

Danny c: we need you to also do a public apology on the show thanks

Jess: sure

Danny c: bye Jessie

Jess: bye

I leave. I know I shouldn’t be annoyed because im in the wrong but the way he acts like he knows everything! I get back into my room and do my makeup.

Holly: whats up?

I just burst into tears slamming my brush on the table and throwing my head into my hands.

Holly: oh jess whats wrong?

Jess: im such a fuck up!

I cry

Holly: what jess? No you’re not!

Jess: I am! I should never have been born! I fuck everything up! Every relationship, everything good I have- everything!

I choke out

She comes and sits next to me trying to sooth me.

Jess: I can’t do it anymore holly! I try and cover it up, I take the tablets, I fake a smile, and I run but im dying… im drowning without the water!

Jackson was whimpering at me feet.

Holly: don’t be silly jess, you’re amazing and you don’t fuck everything up… you have me, Clair, Danny, your family-

Jess: everyone would be so much happier if I weren’t here!

Holly: stop jess stop!

Jess: no! I fucked up with Kate! I’ve fucked up so many times with Danny! I wreck everything!

I cry

Danny: hi bab- babe?! Ohmygod jess whats wrong?!

He came to my side but all I could do was get up and run out, Jackson running behind me. He won’t leave me if im upset. I know I shouldn’t shut Danny out but I don’t want him to see me like this. I need to sort my head out!

Im a mess…

*****sorry for crappy updates and taking forever!!! but i have news, i have planned the end of this story too:O please comment, vote and fan:Dxx*****

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