chapter 21 - Hate or Love?

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so i have been here 8 months now, just another 16 ish to go. my mum- or dad havent visited yet, holly, clair, mark, danny, rachel and hanna have. but they are only aloud to come once every two weeks now, because they came to much. ive written a few songs while ive been here though, i have alot of emeotion. i have written um... about... 5 songs. theres big white room, stand up, i need this, who you are and rainbow.

i wrote big white room, well because off this room, and about i don't know just how i felt.

i wrote stand up because while i have been here, i have learnt to live my life like everyday is my last. and not to shy away from life or help.

i wrote i need this about me needing to come to rehab, and now i see that.

who you are is about being you not anyone else, true to you. again what i have learnt while here.

and rainbow is about a few people i have met here, especially a girl i met called atlanta at like a school inside rehab thing. its just about how we are all the same.

I've learnt so much while I've been here. um for example not to run your life how others want you too, strive to be yourself and anyone who doesn't believe in you or support you- don't spend time trying to make them, just drop them because although that sounds harsh, it's true, un true 'friends' or anyone will slow you down and hold you back. you can be anything you want if you push yourself and aim high... if you don't Im high- what's the point in aiming at all?

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the door opening- jenny - she looks very pretty today, and as always has a big smile, which sometimes is too big!

Jenny: hello jessie how are we today?

Jessie: I'm ok thanks you?

Jenny: I'm good I'm good thanks. right I have good and bad new which?

Jessie: um good?

Jenny: ok, so I got them books you wanted and have got you more paper pens and a drawing pad and colouring pencils...

*hands them over*

Jessie: thank you!

Jenny: it's ok. and the bad news is that tomorrow only holly and Mark are coming...

Jessie: o-oh why?

Jenny: well Clair was very apologetic she has got her dance exam and um something I can't remember. but Danny didn't say anything...

Jessie: probably remembered he doesn't like me and thinks I'm a complete screw up... - but I don't care. I don't need him! I feel so much better now I'm here, all your help and support and friend support. I can't say thank you enough...

Jenny: awh stop you'll make my make-up run...

We both laugh. I love jenny, she's not like a boring councillor she is like my best mate.

Jessie: I mean it, you've taught me loads like how to pick myself up again. To think I might not be here without you...

Jenny: oh come here! it's fine that's why I'm here. But to be honest you are my favourite.

We hugged and she soon had to leave. I was a bit down about danny, but i knew it would happen, there is only a certain amount of time someone 'fake' liking someone. i opened my new drawing set and 'doodled'.


i can't face seeing jess like that any more. she seems to be putting on a brave face and seems happy but i can see straight through that... my heart just seems to fall apart, she still has scars and is thin. i know everyone thinks i still hate her but i dont i-i love her?

 i always have. i just i dont know. i miss her laugh, her smile, her everything. i dont want to hurt her though thats why im going to stay away, cause ill mess it up. 

mark: dan! 

danny: w-what?

mark: band practice after school?

danny: oh ur yeah sure!!

*****im so sorry for not updating, im=ve been really busy!! im so so so so sorry!! ill write and write :D xx*****

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