24. Sisterly Duties

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Bonnie had been living with Kol for a few weeks and it had been amazing. He made her breakfast every morning and she cooked him dinner. They spent their free time cuddling on the couch or some activities that weren't quite as PG 13. 

"I love you, Bon," Kol mumbled into her shoulder, pressing a soft kiss to punctuate his words. "We have my brother's engagement party tomorrow which means Bekah will be arriving today." All of the Mikaelsons were flying in to celebrate Elena and Elijah's impending nuptials. Bonnie had been so excited when her friend had called to tell her the news. She hadn't seen Elena in person since the announcement and she was so excited to hug her best friend and congratulate her. 

Rebekah was going to be staying in their guest room until after the party while Klaus and Caroline would be staying with Elijah and Elena. The rest of their families would be staying in a hotel.

Elena had been elated since Elijah proposed. Life could not have been better. Elijah had planned an engagement party for them and once again was flying her family out to celebrate. She couldn't imagine how life would get any better but she knew she would have Elijah by her side no matter what was to come.

Elijah and Elena drove to the airport and picked up Rebekah, Klaus and Caroline. Elena hugged Caroline and even Klaus embraced her. Surprisingly, it was Rebekah who was acting cold to her. 

They dropped her off at Kol and Bonnie's before driving to their place. 

"What's up with Rebekah?" Elena asked Caroline as Elijah helped Klaus with their bags. 

"She knows," Caroline told her, glancing at where Klaus and Elijah were to make sure they couldn't hear. "I'll explain later. Right now, we're going to celebrate you." Caroline grinned taking Elena's hand and looking at the ring as Klaus moved around the car. "It's huge." Caroline squealed. Elena was in shock after learning that Rebekah knew the truth. She forced a smile as Caroline gushed about the engagement. Elena's heart was racing. "I'm really happy for you, Elena." Elena nodded, letting Caroline's words sink in. 

"I'm really happy, Care. I don't think I've ever been this happy." Elena smiled, trying to forget the fact that Rebekah knew the truth about them. "I'm really glad you're here."

Klaus returned outside after bringing their bags in and swept Caroline off of her feet. She gasped as he carried her through the doorway with a goofy smile on his face.

After getting settled in the guest room, Rebekah convinced Kol to run to the store leaving her alone with Bonnie.

"I know everything and if you even think about hurting my brother I will ruin your life." Bonnie froze as Rebekah stood in front of her. Bonnie hadn't spent much time with Rebekah and the blunt accusation she was throwing her was shocking, to say the least.

"I-" Bonnie took a deep breath trying to compose her thoughts. She had considered all her options before. She knew the confession was inevitable. "I will tell him the truth," Bonnie told her. 


"I love Kol and I want to be honest with him. I'm going to tell him after the engagement party, once everyone goes home. I don't want to ruin Elena and Elijah's party." Rebekah pulled Bonnie into a hug. 

"Whatever happens, I'll support you." Rebekah had grown to love Caroline like a sister but she was concerned about how long she could keep up this lie. Bonnie on the other hand was planning on being 100% real with Kol and Rebekah respected her for it. 

"Somehow this is both my dream and my biggest nightmare," Kol commented as he entered the loft.

"Gross." Rebekah groaned.

"God shut up you Perv." Bonnie rolled her eyes and Rebekah laughed at her. Kol wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her head. Bekah smiled at the couple. These women really did love her brothers. Kol handed the bag of stuff to Rebekah before lifting a squealing Bonnie and lightly tossing her onto the couch. 

"We have dinner with Elijah, Elena, Nik and Caroline tonight." Kol reminded them. He climbed on top of Bonnie who was still on the couch, crushing her under his weight. 

"Kol!" Bonnie squeaked from underneath and Rebekah took the time to excuse herself as things began to escalate. "Kol-"

"Bon." He smirked after cutting her off with a kiss.

"You know I love you, right?" Kol was surprised by her sudden declaration. 

"Of course. What's wrong Little Witch?" She cursed the fact that he knew her so well.

"Nothing. There's just something I have to tell you after the party tomorrow." 

"Why don't you tell me now?" He wondered.

"Just trust me." She bit her lip. If only he knew how big an ask that really was. 

"Ok." He didn't hesitate for a second. He trusted her with all of his heart. And she was going to break that trust. Kol kissed her again and Bonnie savoured the moment. "Come on, Darling. I think it's time for you to get ready." He teased knowing that they had more than enough time before dinner.

"Dork, you're still on top of me." She pointed out as he hovered over her. 

"Hmmm, I guess we're not going." He grinned, leaning down to connect their lips. Rebekah returned to the room to find them intertwined on the couch. She shook her head at the pair who were completely lost in each other's embrace. 

"Bloody hell." She groaned, finally separating them. Kol rolled his eyes at his sister but Bonnie nudged him over. Rebekah already wasn't her biggest fan and she did not want to make it worse. 

"What do you want, sister?" Kol glared at her. 

"We're going to be late if you two don't get ready." Rebekah pointed out. Bonnie glanced at the time on her phone and shoved Kol off of her. He rolled to the floor with a grunt and a frown. 

"Sorry." She called back as she darted into their room to change. 

"You are no fun." Kol pouted before heading to get ready as well. The couple returned quickly, both properly dressed for their dinner. They headed outside and got into Kol's car, Bonnie getting banished to the backseat with one stern look from Rebekah. The three of them met up with the rest of their party at the restaurant.

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