10. Lucky Number 7

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Bonnie had gotten dressed for the evening Kol had planned. She was super aware of the fact that it was their seventh date. He had told her he had something special planned and she hoped it was more than just rose petals and candles. 

Kol was outside of her place holding a single rose. She joined him and pecked his lips. He held out his arm and she looped hers through.

"Where are we going?" Bonnie asked as they walked away from her place. She was expecting him to have a limo waiting for them but instead, it seemed like they would be walking to their destination.

"Well, Darling. I promised you a special evening. You mentioned how you've only been living in New Orleans for a short time so I wanted you to get the chance to see the city properly." She gave him a weird look, only understanding as they walked up to a horse-drawn carriage. 

"A tour of the city?" She gasped as he helped her into the carriage. He nodded and handed her a flute which he quickly filled with champagne. 

"A tour put together by yours truly." He gave her a cheeky grin as he filled his own and clinked them together. 

Throughout the ride, Bonnie was amazed by how much work he had put into their evening. He had designed the tour specifically for her and she could tell. It wasn't just a move he was using to get into her pants. He had taken the time to get to know her. He told her stories of witchcraft in New Orleans and some of the different covens that had once lived there. He also pointed out some of his favourite places around the city and picked places that he wanted to take her one day. 

In Chicago, Caroline was at a bar with Rebekah. Rebekah had needed to talk about something and Caroline was trying to be a good friend. They sat drinking fancy cocktails.

"Klaus is driving me insane." Rebekah sighed as she twirled her straw around her second Cosmopolitan. "I think he's purposely trying to push me away so I'll move out." 

"Well, how long are you planning on staying? You've already been here for a few weeks." Caroline pointed out.

"I don't know. Marcel and I have been trying to work things out but he's now the one asking for space." Rebekah explained. "I honestly don't know if we're going to get through it this time." Caroline felt bad for her friend. She clearly loved Marcel a lot but they didn't seem to be clicking anymore. 

"If you need a place to stay, I have an extra room." Caroline offered. "You can stay with me for as long as you want." Rebekah was amazed by the gesture. No one outside of her family had ever been this nice to her. 


"Of course! You've become one of my best friends since I've been here. It'd be nice to have you around all the time." Caroline smiled. "Tomorrow we will get Klaus and Stefan to help you move your stuff into my place." 

"Thanks, Care." Rebekah stood up from the barstool and threw her arms around Caroline.

Bonnie and Kol finally pulled up to a location that she recognized and the carriage stopped. Kol helped her out and brought her inside.

"Rousseau's? Are you trying to get me drunk?" Bonnie gasped dramatically. 

"I wanted to bring you back to where we first met." He grinned. He pulled open the door and she was in awe. The usual casual dive bar was decorated with fairy lights and there was only one table in the middle of the room with a white table cloth. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and placed his chin on her shoulder. "Do you like it?" 

"I love it." One of his friends had offered to wait on them for the evening and brought over their food after they sat down. 

"Thanks, Camille." Kol grinned as she walked away.

"How did you pull this off?" She asked looking around. 

"That's for me to know, Darling." He smirked. 

"I can't believe you did all this." Bonnie couldn't believe how romantic everything was. Katherine had explained that Kol was just a player but he kept showing her that he was more than that. He actually cared. 

"I wanted to impress you." 

"Because it's the seventh date?" She wondered. 

"Because you deserve to be wooed." He corrected. "But if you do decide to spend the night, I want it to be because you want to, not because you feel obligated," Kol explained, seeming almost nervous. She liked seeing this side of him.

After dinner, he pulled out his phone and started playing a song. 

"No night on the town in New Orleans would be complete without a little jazz." He twirled her around, the pair laughing as they tried to keep up with the music. The next song to come on was slower so he held her close and they swayed. Bonnie rested her head on his chest and found herself listening to his heartbeat. His heart was racing just like hers. 

"Kol?" She mumbled. He looked down at her. "Can we go back to your place?" The smile spread on his face and he leaned down and kissed her. He led her back to the carriage which brought them back to his place. As soon as they were through the door, Bonnie kicked off her shoes and pulled him close to her. 

"God, you are gorgeous." Bonnie blushed as Kol backed her against the door. His lips trailed from her neck to her jawline before finally reaching her lips. Bonnie started unbuttoning his shirt and pushed it off completely. She felt him smile against her lips as his jacket and shirt fell to the floor. Kol's hands travelled down to her thighs and she jumped, wrapping her legs around him. He carried her to his room and placed her feet on the floor, allowing her to take control. She pushed him against the door and started unbuttoning his pants. "This is hardly fair darling." He pointed out as she stood in front of him fully dressed. She silenced him with another kiss as her hands roamed his chest. Bonnie turned around and he slid one of the straps of her dress off of her shoulder. He placed a soft kiss on her bare shoulder before repeating the same process with the other side. He slid the zipper down, trailing kisses down her back. The dress fell gracefully to the floor and Bonnie turned around, pulling Kol back towards her. 

The next morning, Bonnie woke up in Kol's arms and she couldn't think of a place she would rather be.

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