14. Dinner and Deception

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"You look beautiful, my love." Elijah smiled, kissing Elena's forehead. "Are you nervous?" 

"What if Kol's girlfriend doesn't like me. Or worse now that Kol doesn't want to sleep with me he won't like me-"

"I'm not sure my brother not wanting to sleep with you is a problem." He pointed out. 

"You know what I mean." Elena playfully hit him but he grabbed her wrist and held it delicately in his hand. 

"Everyone will love you. The real one you'll have to worry about is my brother Niklaus. He tends to be...harsh with my girlfriends." He chuckled. "Come on, we should get going." Elena nodded, wondering in the back of her mind how Caroline was handling Klaus. 

They got to the restaurant and were taken to their table. A few minutes after they sat down, Kol walked in with Bonnie. Elena immediately wanted to gush over how cute they were. Elijah stood up as they approached and Elena followed his lead. He pulled his brother into a hug while Elena made eye contact with Bonnie, both waiting to be introduced. 

"It's good to see you again, Elena." Kol winked at her before embracing her as well. "Elijah, Elena, this is my girlfriend Bonnie." Elijah shook Bonnie's hand politely.

"It's nice to meet you." Bonnie smiled.

"The pleasure is mine, Miss Bennett," Elijah replied. Once he let go, Elena pulled Bonnie into a hug. 

"It's so nice to meet you!" She gushed, squeezing her a little too tight to be strangers. Bonnie patted her back awkwardly but was thankful that she got to be around her best friend. They sat down and started looking over the menu. "So how long have you two been together?" Elena questioned after they ordered. 

"I actually met Bonnie the same night that we met." Kol chuckled sheepishly. "After you left." Elena pretended to be surprised before glancing at Elijah.

"It's a good thing you chased me away." She teased. 

"Did you guys get together that night too?" Bonnie wondered though she knew the answer.

"God no. He was a total jerk to me when we first met." Elena scoffed, remembering how they met. "But he apologized and took me out and it was actually kinda sweet." 

"I think Kol only took me out on a date because I wouldn't sleep with him." Bonnie shrugged earning a laugh from the other couple. Kol gasped dramatically and placed a hand over his heart.

"How little you think of me." Elijah gave him a knowing look and Kol rubbed the back of his neck. "Okay, fine. But I've seen the error of my ways." Kol promised, kissing her cheek. 

As they talked, Elena spotted a familiar face sitting across the restaurant. The woman had blonde hair but her face looked the same. When she locked eyes with the woman, she winked and Elena turned her attention away from her. 

They ate and talked, Bonnie and Elena both able to make conversation without blowing their covers. Everything was going smoothly until they were waiting for dessert. 

"So 'Lijah, have you told her about the trip?" Kol asked his brother. 

"I haven't had a chance." Elijah sighed feeling the weight of Elena's stare. 

"What trip?" She asked, her heart starting to race. 

"Our parents are having a vow renewal ceremony in London. The whole family will be flying out which means I will be gone for two weeks." Elena nodded in understanding. 

"Oh." She mumbled. "I guess that kinda puts a pause on the plan for me to move in." She smiled sadly. Kol looked like a deer in the headlights as he realized he started something between the other couple. 

"The trip is not for a few weeks, I would like it very much if you would still move in before then." Elijah took her hand and caressed it with his thumb. 

"We should talk about this later, I'm sure these two would rather talk about something else." Elena forced a smile and turned to Bonnie and Kol. A part of her was upset, it felt like he had forgotten about her. She knew their whole relationship was built on lies but she had real feelings for him. 

"I'm going to run to the ladies' room," Bonnie announced, standing up. 

"I'll go with you," Elena offered politely. Neither brother suspected a thing as the pair walked off together.

"This is exhausting," Bonnie complained as they entered the ladies' room. "It's good to see you." She added before disappearing into the stall. 

"You too. Kol's really cute." Elena grinned as she touched up her makeup in the mirror. 

"You have no idea. He's a total romantic." Bonnie was falling for him, hard. "Elijah seems perfect for you." 

"Yeah, though sometimes I wonder if he's really all in. Like I feel like I like him more than he likes me." Elena confessed. "It's stupid but with the ceremony, he didn't even think to tell me. Plus when he did, a part of me thought he was going to invite me."

"He didn't invite you? Well, that just won't do." Elena jumped at the sound of her sister's voice. Bonnie emerged from the stall and was startled by the presence of the third woman.

"Katherine?" They blurted out. 

"Say it louder. I'm sure Caroline didn't hear you from Chicago." She scoffed with an eye-roll.

"What are you doing here?" Bonnie asked, washing her hands.

"Keeping an eye on you two." She said as if it were obvious. "Now, you two need to get yourselves invited to that ceremony. Especially you Elena. That is the key to getting him to propose to you." 

"Wow, no pressure." Elena sighed. "What do you want me to do? He doesn't want me there." 

"Do I have to do everything myself?" Katherine groaned before storming out of the bathroom. Elena turned to Bonnie and the pair couldn't hold in their laughter. 

"I've always wondered what you'd look like as a blonde." Bonnie teased with a laugh. Elena playfully rolled her eyes. 

"We should get back." Elena sighed turning toward the door. Before she could leave, Bonnie pulled her into a tight hug. 

"I miss Caroline." Bonnie chuckled as she pulled away. 

"Me too." The two left the bathroom and returned to the table. The four finished their desserts and went their separate ways. As they climbed into the car, Elena turned to Elijah with a smile.

"I really like her." 

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