Chapter 1

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"George will you be my valentines?", Dream's spoked through the brunet's headset, "Umm I dont think so..", George answered as he focused on the game

The blond is silent for a moment until a glass bottle was heard crashing and breaking from the other line of the call "what the fuck?" quackity confusingly chuckled, George laughed at Dream's reaction

"ALL AROUND ME ARE FAMILIAR FACES", Dream started singing the iconic lyrics of the song called mad world, the chat was filling up

Imasimp.exe: lol drè died

Confused_cinnamon: HAHAHAH TOOK AN L DRÈ

alexawastaken: I can be you're valentines Dream :)

The brunet sighed. he also noticed that Dream muted himself for a while, George talked to quackity for a bit, "you know George?, I don't need you, ok? I dont- I don't- I don't actually. I don't need you, I'm ok, I'm fine by myself"

Dream blurted out "what" quackity questioned "George George look at the donations, look at the donations" the ravanet ignored the sentence and focused on chat, "you have to say i love you to me george", "what I don't see any massages"

[Timeskip to George mining to the prison]

The brunet tried to mine the first block of the prison using his trusty diamond pixacke

"Dream, I'm coming" George started to damage the block, "please" the blond got confused at first on why does it sound so wrong, "ok no one clip that out of context", Dream then laughed, "Dream is close between the prison and freedom"

"cmon George, just break the block already", the blond impatiently said
The obsidian broke and the brunet stopped for a minute as he realised that it has another layer of it "George?", then he ended the stream

'Georgenotfound left the game', he sighed when he left but still on discord with Dream

"George, you ok?", Dream said worryingly, "yeah, I'm ok. It's fun doing lore with you" George rested his head on his gaming chair and hummed slightly

"what would Sam react?",  the brunet looked at his best friend's icon, "hmmm maybe he's going to end your three lives", Dream wheezed

Iconic. "probably", silence erupted between them. it's not uncomfortable, nor weird, this happen everyday where him and Dream rest a bit

They enjoyed each others presence while George's monitors hummed underneath me, "hey George", the brunet watched as Dream's icon became green and faded, "yeah Dream?"

"when will you visit me?", Dream asked, 'me'. does he forgot about sapnap?, "I actually don't know Dream, I really want to visit you AND sapnap", I said emphasizing the 'and'

"oh..", George prepared myself, "you know Dream, I'll always tell you whenever I'm coming or not, I will not lie to you", apparently that's a lie

"I just really want to meet you, you know?, like not in a weird way. I'm your best friend and I haven't met you since.. Like 6 years from now?", the brunet agreed with him

He felt really guilty by now but George can't ruin his surprise for him.. "I get it Dream, I really want to meet you too!", George the pause to think about his speech, "I just don't know when it's safe to travel again..", "tsk I hate this" Dream sighed

"I know but rules are rules right?" not really, silence has brought upon us, the brunet watched as his monitor sways and computer light up his face

"I wish this is over, just imagine if we could met up in real life, the fandom will be broken"

".. yeah",  George waited for his friend to speak again, "is au's are real?", Dream asked, "what kind of question is that??", George said confused "Well if you think about it, I want to be on a Au where life is peaceful and quiet, no pandemic, no mask, no quarantine.. An Au where we met and lived together happily", the blond explained

my valentines //Dreamnotfound [OLD] Where stories live. Discover now