Chapter 16

399 12 5

Dᴀʏ 4, ғᴇʙʀᴜᴀʀʏ 27, 2021
[ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴅᴀʏs ᴜɴᴛɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴘᴀʀᴛᴜʀᴇ]

(sorry for late updates, it's match 29 now and I'm still here stuck on February, got no motivations that month and my sister insisted on writing the recent chapter but I'm back)

"bye guys..", George ended his stream, resting his head an his chair, he streamed today on his room Dream's extra computer, George sighed and He reflective of what Quackity said when he lost all his stuff


"nobody is with you George", quackity said, his voice is booming through his ears, "nobody", George knows that this is not true but it felt real, "your all alone George" George felt that he's on tears

"I'm here George, I'm here", Dream said, "I am by your side George since the beggining and I will always be, I promise" Dream followed George's character running around, "Dream..." the brunet sounded broken

He didn't want to roleplay, why?, because it sounded real to him, so real that he overthinks it, so he needed to relax while on streams

[𝙴𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚏𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔]

George didn't know what to do but instead he walk straight through his boyfriends room, pouting

"hey-, George?, what's wrong?" Dream said, he offered his arms to the brunet and he accepted it rather quickly and snuggled to his lover's chest

"Dream?..", "yes babe?"

" you mean it?"

"what did I mean it?"

"that you will be my side forever?"

"what kind of question is that?, of course!, I will be on your side no matter what George, even if it's an roleplay, I will love you and protect you till the day I die George"

Dream kissed the brunet's forehead and hugged him tightly, "I will never let you go because I always loved you George, your basically my world and I can't live without you okay?"

George smiled, "m'kay"

The two of them cuddled on the chair, enjoying the warmth they gave in, "do you want to continue on roleplaying babe?", Dream broke the silence

"I..don't actually know"

"what's bothering you George?, you can talk to me"

George sighed, "everytime I participate in roleplaying on your smp, I couldn't help but to overthinked it"


"I just speak through my brain, bragging about it, like asking and questioning myself that, what if I made a mistake?, what will the others think of me, breaking character and not taking it seriously?, would they be dissapointed?, what would the thousand of peoples will say??"

George held on to his boyfriend tightly, "are you going to be dissapointed at me by not participating at the roleplay?"

Dream laughed, "of course not!, it's your choice my love, now I get it why you ovethink things, don't worry George, we will respect your boundaries and we will not push it ok?, just remember that I'm here for you" Dream said

"thank you Dream, I'm so lucky to have you" George smiled

"me too Babe, I love you"

" you too"

"aww you've said it!"

"Shut up Dream, now you've ruined the vibe", George tried to escape Dream's grasp

"you think you can escape from me my dear George?" Dream held George tight

"let me go!"

"not if you said that you love me"

"I already said that!"

"I want to hear it again my love" Dream whispered the last part to George's ear

George blushed, "fine, i will say it if you let me go"

"you know that I will never do that"

"just get your arms off me so I can be free!", George tried to wiggled out but failed instead he sighed, Dream's arms were too powerful to the brunet

Dream smirked at him looking at the defeated brunet, "well? You gonna say it or what?" Dream slowly leaning on George's face and stopping himself when his nose is touching his

"make me Dream"

"bet", Dream closed the space between them and leaning in for an kiss, George was surprised but quickly melted to it

"hey guys have you seen patches-, ok nevermind" sapnap opened the door and closing it again, the two didn't even notice the texan, they were too focused on each other's lips as they moved in synch

Until the simple kiss turned to needy one, George pulled out for air but quickly leaned in for another one

Dream slowly made his way to the brunet's neck, giving it kisses and biting to the spot where George maked an noise, it was music to Dream's ears while he started teasing to it

"D-Dream, not now, we can finish this tomorrow"


"come one, sapnap's probably calling us right n-now"

George held back an moan, biting to his lips when Dream's hands made its way to the brunet's back

"D-Dream", Dream growled

"Fine, but we will continue this tomorrow"

Dream slowly let George go from his grasp and standing up with the brunet

"let's go, I think sapnap's calling us earlier but I'm not sure"

Dream smirked, "to focuse on our heated session babe?~"

George blushed but tried to hide it, he sped up towards the kitchen trying to cool down his reddened face

Sapnap noticed the brunet, "oh hey George, you getting warm?", sapnap said sipping his cup of water (tea☕︎)

"y-yeah, just getting a little too hot you know?" George said, wiping his invincible sweat

"oh then why is there an hickey on your neck?, hmmm, probably an burn mark right?" sapnap laughed and Dream joining in too

George panicked and went to grab his phone to see his neck's reflection and there it is, the mark that Dream left

"Dream!, how could you leave an mark??"

"what?, I'm too distracted by our moment, didn't even notice that I left an mark there" it's no use at hiding it since sapnap saw it

"I hate you"

"love you too babe"

"eww keep that on yall bedrooms"

Sapnap looked at them, being all in love and shit, "y'know what? I'm leaving" sapnap marched through his room

George giggled, "come one Dream let's go to sleep"

AYO AYO AYO!, I'm back!, finally, this was a bit late, no, SUPER late to publish, my motivation went📉📉 the month on February so yeah.., anyways just imagine its still February not march ok?, as always! Stay hydrated and alive!
-me (im_depressed_help)

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