Chapter 20

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[𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝙰𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚕 2,2021]

Wedding bells was heard, ringing gracefully through the people's ear, today's the day where they married, George's will be forever home, chattering and excitement filled the air, laughing and talking

"eyy! Wilbur!, glad you maked it!" karl said smiling to him, "yeah I'm glad too, sapnap's here too!, I heard you two were dating" wilbur winked

Karl blushed a bit, "y-yeah, he is handsome so I can't reject him, besides I liked him too" Karl glanced at his boyfriend smiling

"mhhh I'm glad you found your truly love- H-HEY, EYY TOMMY DO NOT TOUCH THE CAKE", wilbur said sprinting to the hooligan

Tommy looked at wilbur, he quickly snatched his hands and retracted it to his side, the half of the cake was light blue and the another half was light green, the middle of it was cyan, it was decorated on blue and green flowers, on top of it was two dancing men, one was black and the other one was white, it was simple yet delightful

"I won't I won't chillax Wilby" tommy waved it off, "now tubbo if I say run we run" he whispered to tubbo with ranboo beside him

"Tommy please don't create destruction inside the church" philza said holding his hands wife, "fine philza" Tommy crossed his arms, "destruction?, I'm in" techno popped out

"anyways, when they are going to show up?", purpled said, taking a sip of water, "any minute now purpled" karl said glancing at the exit where Dream and George was supposed to walk that aisle

"hold on, you can find some seats before it starts" karl smiled, he made his way to his beloved talking with someone, when he got closer to sapnap he noticed that he was talking to quackity, "hey! Sap! Can I talk to you for a sec?, also hello quackity!" Karl said

"hello karlos", quackity waved at him, "alright karl, talk to you later quack", "yeah, now you two can go muah muah inside a bathroom while I'm all alone here deciding to whether or not leave", quackity said

Sapnap laughed while Karl blushed, "don't worry quackity we will be quick" sapnap said, that headed to a private room so they can talk

"what's bothering ya karl?" sapnap said, "where the honk is Dream and George?, they're supposed to be here!" karl said getting nervous, "hey hey don't worry love, they said that they're on their way" sapnap said, he cuffed Karl's cheek, "now calm down, everything's going to be fine m'kay partner?" sapnap kissed his beloved's forehead

Karl slowed down his breathing, he leaned on to sapnap's hand, holding it tightly, "thanks sap, you always know what I'm feeling and you really know how to calm me down" karl said

"of course babe" while they were on their loving eye to eye phase the sound of cheering was heard on the outside clapping and shouting, "speaking of them, come on their here!" sapnap grabbed Karl's wrist and lead them to their seats

This is it, this is finally happening, Dream was waiting for the other to walk down the aisle, Tommy, tubbo and ranboo being the flower boys, pupled and foolish being the ring carrier, if he's going to be honest he is quite nervous

He felt a light tap on his shoulder, "are you okay my dear?", the sound of gentle and caring voice of his mother, worried that he will chicken out

"mmm, the groom here seems a bit nervous", his father teased, elbowing Dream's side, Dream chuckled at the contact, "father stop it tickles!, and yes I'm a bit nervous for today.." Dream exhaled some air and blow it out, "just remember, this is the special on your life so do not ruin it", his mother said smiling at his son

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