Chapter 17

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ᴅᴀʏ 5, ғᴇʙʀᴜᴀʀʏ 28, 2021
[ᴛᴡᴏ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴅᴀʏs ᴜɴᴛɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴘᴀʀᴛᴜʀᴇ]

George knocked on sapnap's room, "hey sap?, can i come in?"

"yeah sure, it's unlocked"

George twisted the knob and barge in, sapnap was lying on his bed messaging someone, "what are you doing?"

George headed to the texan's bed and sat on it, "oh nothing", sapnap his his phone behind him, George raised an eyebrow

"there's clearly something your hiding, what is it?"

"no it's nothing George, you don't have to worry about it"

Sapnap's phone buzzed on his hand, George snatched it, he read the notifications through his room while sapnap tried to get it

"ohhh~, Karl messaged you~", George winked

Sapnap finally snatched his phone, "and?"

"you know why sap"

Sapnap rolled his eyes, he read Karl's message, George watch him type something, sapnap was smiling, not a normal smile, it's the smile where George and Dream used when they see each other, he's in love

"soo, what is Karl to you?"

"what kind of question is that?"

"just asking"

"w-well, he's my best friend and I trust him like any friends would do, I lov-, like him, not in a weird way y'know?, just like friends do yeah and-"

"you like him, don't you?"

"yeah, just like I said, I like him as my...friend..yeah.."

"your pandering sap, you know that to yourself, you like like him sap, I can see the way your eyes sparkle whenever karl message you"

" do you know?"

George laughed, "I acted like that whenever Dream is around, whenever he joined my discord ao call me and spend time with me, I can read you like a book sapnap, don't dent your feelings sap, it'll make it worse for you"

The brunet gently placed his hands on sapnap's shoulder, reassuring him so he can't feel like a fool, George experienced this kind of situation so he knew how sapnap felt

"you can talk to me sap, you know we're here fo you, don't be afraid"

"it's just, I'm confused, I like karl romantically but I like ya'll platonically, he's different from ya'll,.. am i gay george?"

"depending on your situation, you don't need to hop in to your decisions, you need to think this clearly sap, you can be bisexual if your not sure"

"..yeah I can be"

"is there any chance you liked our opposite genders?"

"..probably, I don't know, maybe?"

"mhhmmm, you can be bi for a while, think of it carefully sap" George smiled

"thank you george, I'm really glad to have you as my friend, if we didn't talk about this, I'm probably die of confusion, thank you again George"

Sapnap brotherly hugged George, George smiled and hugged him back, they let go for each other when George heard an buzzing sound from sapnap's pocket

"looks like Karl messaged you again, don't worry I will never tell an single soul about this"

Sapnap chuckled, "even if you told someone, they wouldn't belive you"

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