Bonus Chapter.

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(a:n why did my drawing looks like a fanfic book but George lives the same years as Dream..if yk sorry back to phase one on being hurt.., THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A REPRESENTATION OF THEIR FAMILY WHAT THE FUNK)

"Dad!, father!, look what uncle sapnap bought us!", Georgia said waving a mask on her hand with a fake diamond sword, "wait up gigi!" another girl voice said, "Clayla you're so slow!" the brunette said holding a somewhat clout glasses on her hand

"hey what's the ruckus?" Dream said peeking on the kitchen with sleeping Clark on his hand, "father look!, I have a awesome hoodie!" Clayla said flexing her hoodie from his hoodie to his father, "that's lame, look at this father!, I had a rip off supreme shirt!"

Georgia said painting the red logo at Dream, Dream laughed causing Clark to wake up, "oh sorry bud, i didn't mean to wake you up" the blond said kissing the boy on his forehead, Clark giggled

"hey Dream, is the gremlin awake?" George said making his way down to the stairs "oh hey George, is everything cleaned up now?" Dream put Clark down and the boy started wobbling to his sisters, "mhhmm, I cleaned all the messes that the twins made"

Dream smiled and put he looped his arms towards the brunet's shoulder and kissed his cheeks, "Dream stop, it tickles" George chuckled as he pushed his husband away, Dream whined but eventually stop with another kiss

"ew you two stop doing all lovey dovey and come over here" a man voice appeared on the couch, "jeez karl, it's not like your cuddling sapnap right now" Dream said

"hey!, are yall talking bad about me?" sapnap said lifting his head away from Karl's, "Dad! Dad!, look at this!" Georgia said lifting his mask to show it to George, the brunet smiled, "that's a lovely smiley mask!" George bent down and patted her daughter's head

"look dad!, I had one just like yours!" Clayla was the one to speak and showed it to his dad, "oh!, just like my avatar!", George again patted the other twin's head

The twin glared at each other and started chasing, playing tag or wathever, "hello Clark!, look at this!, it's a new outfit for you!" karl said bending down to his knees to show the little hoodie infront on the young

Karl smiled as Clark made a grabby hand, "you're so cute!" Karl picked up the child and held it close to him, "kaarrll, come heeree, put that baby down, we had Nicky and karline waiting us to go hoomeee" sapnap whined

"oh shut up sappy, just look at him!", Karl showed the baby infront of the texan, "I know Karl, he's cute" sapnap chuckled

"karl, sapnap!, where are the two childrens?" George said wiping his hands to his shirt, "you mean Nicky and karline?, they we're asleep but I asked quackity to guard them as they slept, he's a great uncle!" Karl giggled and holding his hand to sapnap

"Quackity?, I thought he will annoyed the shit out of them, letting them eat a tons of tacos" Dream said laughing, George rolled his eyes, "anyways we need to go, the two will be sad if we're not home, quackity don't know how to handle crying kids very well" sapnap stood up along with karl

They waved goodbye at each other and went home, "Dad! Father!, come play with us!" Georgia said stabbing his sister with the fake diamond sword, "gigi! Stop!, it tickles!"

Clayla squirm away from her sister's grasp and started running, "hey! Come back here!, you're supposed to be dead!" the brunette started chasing her sister until a arm stop her from getting away

"let Clayla go Georgia, your sister is scared of you y'know?" Dream said lifting his daughter up, "but..i was just having fun" Georgia pouted and crossed her arms, Dream wheezed and looked at the other twin who's hiding behind George's back

George smiled seeing the chaotic brunette was being handle, he looked down on his other daughter who's wearing a green hoodie with a clout goggles on her head

"then why is father isn't afraid of you when you two are beating each other on the bed" Georgia said still pissed off, George was caught off guard, shocled at her and looked at Dream who's trying to surpress his laugh, "be..cause.." Dream cleared his throat

"he's brave..?, yeah.. He's strong, I'm him to become..tough" Dream couldn't hold his laughter anymore and bursted out a loud wheeze, George sighed and lifted off Clayla who's confused and gave it to Dream

"you three watch some movies or something, I'm going to prepare dinner" George said trying to ignore Georgia's comment, "sure! Movie sounds awesome!" Dream lift the girls towards the couch, George chuckled

Clark was grasping his pants, "oh hello there my little gremlin" George picked him up and fixed his hair, "George!, what movies would we watch?" Dream said, George naked his way to his husband and noticed a sleeping Clayla and a hyper Georgia

"hmm I don't know you can ask Georgia here who's excited here" George smiled and pinched her daughter who whined, "ok, what do you want to watch princess?" Dream said looking at her daughter

The brunette thought for a minute and the she beamed, "oh I know!, we can watch mulan!" Dream smiled and nodded, "do you want to watch with us darling?" Dream said towards his husband, "not right now, I need to cook"

They all laugh and that woke up the sleeping Clayla, they we're all happy, they wonder if this moment will happen everyday, no sadness no tears no regrets, just them, all of them, having each other..

Thank you for reading this! I appreciate it a lot! Stay hydrated and alive!
-me (im_depressed_help)

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