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Years has passed and the husbands were fulling their life with happiness, laughter and joy, they enjoy the moments where they laugh and cuddle, spending time with their friends

Karl and sapnap was married when a year has passed they stayed on being fiance until 2022 they got married and living their own life, they both bought the news to the fans by taking a photo of their rings posting it about a week after the wedding

Twitter was exploded on likes and congratulating them, every website they saw their rings scattered through the internet like a virus, everyone was supportive and they were glad, speaking of virus. the pandemic has ended, it was slow but it ended, no more mask

They were free, they can travel again, time to time, wilbur and his friends would visit them, hanging out with them sometimes and tell them stories about their life

They had fun these years, it was a special day, everyday is a special day to be exact, so they didn't waste it, they would cuddle, spend the time with each other, stream while having fun with their fans, and more!

George was humming something, Dream was cooking to their kitchen listening to his husband hums, "you can't catch me Clayla!" a sound of giggling erupted the brunet's hum, "yeah right, come here Georgia!" another girl appeared running and chasing her sibling

"now now settle down you two, your little brother going to be awake" George said cradling his son, "sorry dad" Clayla apologized

The twins made their way to George's, "can i see my brother Clark?", George nodded, they headed to the sofa sitting down gracefully

Clark was crying George tried to calm him down by humming some songs and cradling him to his sleep, "what are you humming dad?" Georgia whispered, "some songs", "what kind of songs?"

Dream chuckled, "is it heatwaves honey?" George rolled his eyes while Dream laughed, well quietly laughing because if he laugh too loud it will be the end of his life

"whatever Dream, is dinner ready darling?", "yeah dinner's ready"

George slowly stood up, trying to avoid to wake up his son, "go to your father girls, I'll be upstairs, setting this goblin in bed" George smiled and made his way up to the stairs

He opened the door and walked up to Clark's cradle, he gently put him down and tucked him down, the brunet kissed the baby's forehead and walked out shutting the door quietly

"is Clark sleeping honey?" Dream said wearing an apron, preparing some plates and spoons for the meal, "mhhmm, he's sleeping so try to avoid making some noise" Dream nodded

George glanced at his twins, "especially you two" George pinched their cheeks, "oww, dad yes we understood, we will not make some ruckus" Georgia said, "just like gigi said" Clayla answered

Gigi is the nickname for Georgia, since Clayla has troubling to pronounce her sister's name, she made the decision to call her gigi, she sometimes tried to pronounce it but it can be some incoherent words like je-org or jorga

Georgia's hair is like George but the eyes are from Dream, Clayla got Dream's blond but the eyes are from George's, Clark in the other hand has greenish brown eyes and his hair is like dirty dark blond

"come on let's eat, karl and sapnap are going to visit us so we need to be ready and clean the house", George munch on the food

"is Nicky and karline going to be here too?" Clayla said in excitement, "yes so hurry up so you can be ready, but do not eat too fast because you're going to choke on your food, munch it all up before swallowing understood?" George warned

"yes dad", Georgia said politely "mhmm" Clayla in the other hand was devouring his food, "slow down dear" George sighed, "yeah listen to your dad" Dream wheezed

"father why do you have such a wheeze like that?" Georgia said swallowing her munch up food

"I don't know kinda born with it" Dream shrugged and continue on eating, George rolled his eyes, "please you always sound like a boiling kettle whenever you done that"

"hey!", "what I'm telling the truth" they laughed, it is such a wonderful family, a family where everyone wants, well probably some of people wants

All laughing and peaceful, sometimes chaotic but it's their life, kinda want to be in that family, I can be the dog, I can bark if you want

Anyways, time flies really fast and you didn't even notice, so you need to waste this time for the greater good, do some fun things in your life for once

                         ꧁ Fin ꧂

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Author here! Thank you so much on reading this book! I'm so glad that I finished this, now moving on to the another book that I'm planning on writing, pretty excited about that ngl, anyways the epilogue was a bit short but hope you all enjoyed the ending! Now I'll leave it here then, as always! Stay hydrated and alive!
-me (im_depressed_help)

I was just rereading this until sad-ist new animation Dropped, THAT WAS SO FUNKING COOL!!, subscribe to her!, she's an amizimg animator!

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