Chapter 3

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"... I can't promise that, I can't ignore the people on the call with us Dream" "ffffffine except on streams but in a while I will get your attention whether you like it or not"

"noted", George sighed and can feel that Dream smiling at himself, being proud or whatever

"oh yeah, when are you streaming again?", "why?", George petted Cat as he talk to Dream, "just wanna know", the brunet thought for a while "mm probably tomorrow I guess..", he wondered on what his going to do

"okie", Dream sounded tired, "Dream how about you go back to bed ok?, you can get some rest for today, I promise I will call you again"

"sure, but before you ended the call can you..brag about something?, like tell me a story and stufff?, I just want to hear your voice until I started to sleep"

That's cute but okay, "fine, Dream, so me and cat.."


"cat just started attacking my dog and-, Dream?", the brunet paused his story, no respond but all he can hear is a light snore, 'he's probably asleep', George felt accomplished by making the blond sleep

Well all he really do was tell an good ol 30 minutes story about how his cat and his dog met

" goodnight Dream.. Talk to you soon.. ", George ended the call, "meow", Cat stretched his arms out and looked at him "you wanna go to bed?, oh wait you already slept, wait what's the time now?" he checked the clock, 17:58pm (5:58pm)

Maybe he can make dinner now?, yeah no, he'll just order some food again from the restaurant the he ate which he did


"thank you sir, have a good night sir!", the guy said, "thank you! You too!", George closed his door and headed to the kitchen as he took out his spoon and forks

He started to eat his ordered food

Cat hopped from his lap and laid down while the brunet eat, not gonna lie the food is kinda good, checking up twitter if he see something interesting to read, nothing, welp that's a bummer

George continued to munch on his food until it's gone and huffed from fullness on his stomach and stood up, should he go to bed?, no he think that cleaning himself is important

Bath sounds good and the brunet didnt waste time to go to the bathroom to bath

George grabbed his towel from the bedroom and started to walk towards his bathroom, once he got in, the brunet locked his door and started running the warm water

George looked  at the mirror and flexed his muscles

He laughed at how silly the brunet looked, once the water was warm enough, George turned off the faucet and hanged the towel


When George is done washing up

He dried himself using the cloth and rubbed his body on it, George dressed on his bedroom in pajamas and cat started meowing outside, George opened it a bit so cat can come in

George didn't shut it so cat won't wake him up again

The brunet laid down from his comfy bed and hugged the soft covers

George made sure that all of his doors are lock before going to sleep, "goodnight cat", "meow", cat responded

George closed his eyes and didn't even hesitate to sleep and drifted of from the darkness


𝙳𝚊𝚢 3 𝚘𝚏 𝙶𝚎𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎'𝚜 𝚞𝚙𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚍𝚎𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎
𝙵𝚎𝚋𝚛𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 12, 2021

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