Chapter 8

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"George!" Dream said as he faced his body to meet George's, he hugged the brunet tightly as he do the same

"its really fucking you! I can't fucking belive your-", Dream pulled away as he scanned for any evidence that he's dreaming

George chuckled as pinched Dream's cheek lightly, "see you're not dreaming.."

The brunet quietly said, he was shocked to see the face of the other, like any other fanarts light brown hair, yellow eyes or green eyes, freckles and a great, great smile

But George didn't knew that he was that pretty

"fucking George!, why didn't you say anything to me! I could've cleaned the house!, you-your here!, fucking finally.."

Dream hugged George one more time, its not an normal hug, an hug that George will never forget, he was warm and comforting, he smelled nice too, George did the same as he hugged back to the taller male

The brunet was in his tiptoe to hugged this florida man," Dream, please shrink, I can't hug you properly, I really need to stand with the tip of my feet to hug you"

Dream laughed as pulled away from the hug but his hands are either sides of George waist which make George turned pink a bit

"it's not my fault that your small, you can be easily to hold down by me, I mean look at your hands!, it's so small!"

Dream grabbed George hands as he showed it to the brunet

'don't panic don't panic don't panic'

George said to his thoughts, he watched his and Dream's hand tied together

'he only wants to compare our hands don't ovethink okay?, do NOT ovethink'

George's heart was thumping on his chest, he chuckled to cover the nervousness that was battling up to his throat

'calm down, George, calm down'

"y-you're right?, my hands are tin..y"

The brunet whispered out, 'what the fuck?' George thought

"see?, I told you!, it's soo cute.." Dream smiled and looked at the brunet

George and Dream's eyes met, brown and green, like the soil and the grass, George's brown eyes are the soil, without him, the grass will never grow, while Dream's eyes are the grass, he can't live without his soil

The two stared at each other while their hands intertwine, "ehem..", someone cleared its throat causing the two to broke their trance

"o-oh..sapnap you're here", Dream said

They let go of their hands and look away at each other, they were embarrassed to speak as the texan man smirked

"I'm so sorry for interrupting your cute little interactions but I'm really hungry so let's eat before you two go lovey dovey and stuff"

Sapnap made his way to the table of foods while the two are frozen in time, they were to embarrassed at each other causing them to be an red as tomato

"w-well, we can umm go.. Eat?" George broke the silence

Dream laughed awkwardly, "yeah sure, I can eat a snack like you~" he winked at the brunet

George was an blushing mess, he was left there too numb to go, 'fucking hell Dream', George smiled as he's hands finds it way to his hair

"meow!", an cat said, "hmm?" George looked down to his right and saw an familiar cat, "Hello patches, how are you today?"

George bent down and petted patches, she already enjoyed the brunet company as she meowed at him

"later patches, I need to eat with the gang"

George stood up as he maked his way to the dining table where the two sat

Dream's table was clean with maybe fit up to 5 people

George sat at the front of it and judged the food in front of him.. Pizza and.. Meatball spaghetti?

"is this what you all usually eat??" George said while poking his food

Dream laughed, "just eat George, have you eaten an pizza before?" Dream said while munching on a piece of meatball

"and also spaghetti, it's good you should try it!" sapnap said as he stab he's spaghetti up to his mouth

"yeah thanks.."

George grabbed an pizza and slowly munch on it, 'too much cheese.. But its good..'

The brunet switched to the next dish, meatball spaghetti, he gobbled the noodles to his mouth and munched on the sweetness of the sauce

The Dream team ate they're meal as they laugh and smile through their conversations

It came through the time where their dishes was gone in front of them and bedtime was near

"heeey guys?, wanna watch an movie?", sapnap said while drying his hands to the towel

"ill pass, I need some sleep, I'm pretty tired" George yawned and made his way to his room.. If he had one

"hey Dream?, wheres my.. Room?"

"oh, head to the right to the corner of my room, you'll see your room that was written your name on"

George nodded and headed to the stairs

If you don't know, sapnap's room was on the left of Dream's room that's been in the middle, George's was on the right

"so it's just you and movie huh Dream?, what do you want to watch?"

"hmmmm, I don't know.., probably ummm.. I don't know I'm pretty tired for today, you can watch some alone if you want, ill be on my room sleeping okay?, night sap"

"oh.. Ok goodnight yall, sleep tight!"

Sapnap made his way to the living room and opened the TV, he was struggling to pick an movie to watch while Dream headed his way to his room, well atleast he thought

The florida man glanced to George's room, he wanted to see the brunets face once again

He walked quietly to the others so he can't wake the brunet up, Dream noticed that George's room was unlocked, he didn't want to be weirdo just to trespass George's room, Dream just wanted to know what's the brown haired man doing

Dream slowly opened the door and peeked to it, it's dark but had enough light to see the brunet's face

He was sleeping peacefully as his tiny bit of hair was on George's face, his dark brown hair shone by the moons light, his face was glooming because of it and his mouth was opened slightly, his eyes twitch a bit because of his dream, I wonder what's the brunet dreaming

Dream smiled at the view, George shivered to the temperature, Dream noticed it and walked up to the sleeping George, he pulled the brunet's cover to his shoulder and whispered, "goodnight George, sleep well"

As the words lept to his mouth an voice was heard to his room, "good..night,..Dream.." George mumured

Dream quickly left the room, he quietly closed the door but glanced at the brunet one more time before leaving

Stay hydrated and alive!
-me (im_depressed_help)

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