Chapter 15

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[𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚐𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚊]

"saapnaaap, what does it took you so long to take the key??"

Sapnap run up to them dragging his bag, "jeez chill George I was just talking to Michelle"

George raised his eyebrows, Dream was currently looking at the beach, amazed at the view, sapnap whispered to George

"some personal stuff y'know.", sapnap said, "oh gotcha" George smiled

"what happened to Dream?, he looks like a child who's never been on a beach for ages"

"yeah he's excited"

Sapnap fiddled the keys and unlocked the room, "ok guys, let this party started!"

"yeah!!" George and sapnap raced to the bed, "I'm first George!, go on and take the couch", sapnap waved his hand, George pouted

"come on now girls, stop fighting"

Dream said unpacking their bags, "come on George help me unpack"

"fine", George made his way to Dream,

"heey Dream when are we going to go swimming?" sapnap said, scrolling through twitter

"Well I don't know sap, how about you help us unpack and we can prepare?" George smiled

"fine fine" sapnap hooped off to the comfy bed

"I'm so excited for this!" Dream said smiling, "me too!, I really want to make an sand castle" George said getting his clothes for the beach

"ohh, I want to catch some fish and eat it!" sapnap said

"but we need sunscreen first"


"George over here!"

"no i don't want to!, the sun is too hot"

"oh come on now, the sun isn't going to burn you!"

"I said no Dream!" George was building his sand castle

Dream and sapnap were swimming on the ocean, playing and splashing some salty waters

"just dip come and swim with us, don't tell me you don't know how to swim" sapnap giggled

"I know how to swim sap, I just don't want the salty water" George put out his tounge

"Dream! Do something about this!"

"about what?"

"make George wet or whatever"

Dream laughed, "not that kind of wet, you dirty minded green bald handsome son of a bitch." sapnap lightly punched Dream's shoulder

Dream went for George slowly walking towards him, George noticed him and panicked,
flashing his eyes, "Dream what are you planning to do?"

George get up quickly and took a run, Dream started to sprint towards him. "come here George!"

"no leave me alone!" George started to run and dodged Dream's big arms trying to wrap him

"come on George! Stop running!"

"no i refuse" they were both running and enjoying themsleves, Dream chased George around the beach, leaving some footprints here and there, squishing the shining sand under them as the calming tides was swaying beside them

"gotcha George!" Dream finally caught George and wrapped his arms tightly to the brunet

"no let me go!" George tried to struggle but in no valid, he's still trapped, Dream smirked and headed to the water

"Dream, Dream what are you doing?" George looked at his lover smiling evily, "Dream no stop!"

George pleaded but was met with an warm water soaring his skin

"Dream!" George got up grumpily

Dream and sapnap laughed, "your such an idiot you know that?" Dream pulled George's hand towards him

George chuckled and joined them, swimming and playing with the salty ocean, they watch as the fishes swam by them, sapnap tried to capture one but failed miserably

George and Dream laughed at him loudly

"eyy! Don't laugh at me, I'm hungry" sapnap pouted and headed to the shore

"yeah I'm hungry too Dream, is there something to eat?"

"yeah actually, I've prepared some grills on me, go get the meat and fish on the fridge, I placed it there so it won't be rotten, its also season so it all needs to be cooked" Dream picked up George to the water who's watching the fish swim

"wha-, Dream! Put me down!" George lightly punching Dream's back

"come on now George we need to eat"

"but I'm not a good cooker"

"who said that you were going to cook?" Dream giggled

"then who's going to grill our food?"

George and Dream looked at sapnap who's drying himself on a towel, sapnap noticed them, looking at him, "what?" the texan raised his eyebrows in confusion

He widened his eyes on realisation, "I will not grill our food-"

[30 minutes later]

"hmm this is so good"

George said munching on the grilled meat, "I hate ya'll" sapnap said flipping the cooked meat on the grill, "come on sap, we know that you can atleast grill something"

Dream bite his food, later on stealing from George's, "hey!, Dream!" George tried to snatch it but was met with a smile, "I hate you for being tall" George pouted and grabbed another one

Sapnap was watching them, eating his grilled meat, "ya know, you two need to stop arguing about little things" sapnap finished his food with one bite and continue on grilling

"maybe one day you two will argue about marriage stuff,"

Sapnap smirk looking beside that George widened his eyes. "n-no!"

George pouts his cheeks with a flushed face while Sapnap giggled, a hand creep on his waist that George flinched.

Dream wrapped his arms around George's hips feeling his warm skin around his flesh body.

"we will get marry someday."

my valentines //Dreamnotfound [OLD] Where stories live. Discover now