Chapter 7

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"Attention to all passengers that we are now going to land on the airport of florida"

(look I don't know what to call it)

George woke up from his slumber, 'I slept again?', but he shrugged as the brunet prepared for the landing

George closed his eyes when the plane started to shakes and gripped the sides of the seat to dear life, he tried to steady my breathing and calm myself down

"preparing for landing"

He slowly opened my eyes, the plane finished landing and sighed in relief while the brunet waited for the announcer to speak

"landed successfully, all of the passengers may now leave peacefully, please wear your mask and stay 6 feet with each other, I repeat.."

George smiled in excitement, 'finally!, finally! Finally!', he quickly got up regretting about it as his head spins. it hurts than an freaking heartbrake

It died down and he grab his suitcase above him and settled it down gently

George waited for the others to get off the plane, he's being careful today because of the virus spreading

Apparently all of the people got off without any problems as he was the last one to abbort the plane

George walked towards the baggage center so he can claim his cat

The brunet saw the familiar blue crate with an name on it, if you didn't know, he wrote his name on cat's cage so George don't have any troubles in finding him

He quickly walked towards cat, cat perked up and started meowing, "hey kitty, how are you?"


George got out of the airport  dragged the suitcase with him while holding cat beside

He waited for sapnap to get him out of here, by that a car stopped in front of me, an person got out on it's car and looked at me

"hey George, bet you're tired from your trip huh?" sapnap said

"tell me about it"

"meow", sapnap looked at the crate I was holding and practically squealed

"is that cat??, oh my gosh he's so cute by looking at him!" sapnap snatched the crate out of his hand

"I can carry cat while you loaded your suitcase on the back" sapnap shooed at him as he went for the car with the crate

George sighed and followed him to his car like sapnap said, he loaded the suitcase on the back of the texan's car

"can I get cat out?, he looks uncomfortable on there", sapnap cooed to the cat while trying to get Cat out

"yeah sure, I want to see my kitty after the many hours travel", George stretched

"yeah yeah, come here kitty, I ain't gonna hurt you", sapnap called

Cat slowly got out from his cage and sniffed sapnap, he immediately find his way to its lap so Cat can nap

George removed the crate and watched Cat sleep as he purred

"he is so cute, I would die for him"

"didn't know you cared about pets so much, for all I know, you basically slaughtered them" the brunet laughed

"hey that was on Minecraft ok?, not in real life" sapnap started to pet cat

The engine roared to life as sapnap began to drive back at Dream's house

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