Chapter 10

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George was running, he didn't know why but he's running, cold sweat dripped through his forehead as an figure chased after him carrying an somewhat weapon

An weapon could be an axe but later on could switch on a bow, the figure was following him slowly while he wears an mask covering his whole features, "oh geoorgee~" he said slowly and deep

"leave me alone!" the brunet cried

"stop running and play with me george~"

But George didn't listen he continues on running and running, George finally know why he's running

"your going to make it hard for me, come here and ill promise I won't hurt you george"

Later on George was beginning to get tired, every step he make it's like an weight dropping himself to the knees

"you know they said that if you waited patiently, your prey will eventually be tired, you'll let them run around and wait as their feet go tired, you know that didn't you?"

The figure was starting to catch up to him, he slowly walked towards the struggling brunet to run but his feet won't let him,

" leave me alone, please.." George pleaded

"no can do Georgei"

The figure rose his axe and aimed for the brunet's neck, George quickly dodged it as he rolled to his side to avoid any pain

The figure smirked, he switched to crossbow and aimed for another hit and successfully hit George's arm

George shrieked in pain and grasp his arms painfully and continues to run

"I told you to stop running George" he's voice is deep and scary for George

He sprinted towards to the limping George and grabbed him from the shoulders and pinned him to the ground

George screamed from surprise

"I told you george stop running from me, is that clear?" George struggled beneath him and tried to free himself

But the figure grasp became more hard and probably left bruises on George's wrist

"stop struggling George, I will make this quick and painful ok?"

George glared at the figure he was wearing an smiley mask with an hoodie over his head

"not today Dream, I'm going to win"

George smirked, Dream was surprised by his confidence and chuckled he slowly reached for the brunet ear and whispered something to his ears

"you know I always win georgei~"

Dream slowly reached for his weapon to finish this game

But George only smiled, "on your dreams "

"pun intended?" Dream raised his axe

"maybe" George swiftly kicked the person on top on him, Dream let's go of his axe and clutch his stomach, George grabbed it and tried to hit him

But Dream blocked him from his shield his carrying, George grunts and started running not without the pain scorching through his arms

Dream laughed and followed George

"there's no where to hide my george!, come here so I will end this!"

George jumped to an hole and waited for Dream to do the same, he hid through another small hole and crouch, not an minute pass Dream eventually followed his move by jumping to it

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