Chapter 11

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𝙳𝚊𝚢'𝚜 𝚙𝚊𝚜𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙶𝚎𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎'𝚜 𝚍𝚎𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚞𝚙𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚌𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎, 𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚍𝚎𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎: 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚑 02, 2021
𝙲𝚞𝚛𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚍𝚊𝚢: 𝚏𝚎𝚋𝚛𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 23, 2021

♧︎︎no one's pov♧︎︎︎

*so yeah um a little bit of kisses upcoming*

"hey George?, your flight is on a week now!, what can we do to make this week full of fun?"

Sapnap slumped down to the couch where the two love birds was sitting, sapnap glared at the two while giggling at their conversation

"guuuyss, c'mon now, I ain't gonna watch yall flirt with each other"

"shut up sapnap, we're not flirting" George said

"wait we're not?" Dream whined at surprise

"shut up, you too"

"make me George~" the brunet flashed pink at the come back

"fuck you"

"oh please you can do it with me", Dream winked

"aight I'm just going to scidaddle out of here" sapnap said while turning to his room

(eh?, eh?, scidaddle? You get it right boys?, headphones all the way up right?)

Dream laughed, George glanced at him, the way he smile maked the brunet flustered and giggly, whenever they were close at each other or the way their hands sway and touch a bit, it makes them both flustered and butterflies

"hey Dream?, wanna play Minecraft? I'm bored, if you don't want to play some, I could go to bed"

Dream chuckled, "sure let's play Minecraft I'm bored too"

George smiled and hop out of the couch proceeding to walk, Dream followed him towards his room

"oh yeah, wheres patches and cat?, I haven't seen them today" George said

"oh they are in sapnap's room, probably sleeping with each other again"

"poor sapnap, he's even an third wheel towards to that two cats" George twisted the knob of his door and entered his room, the brunet holds the door for Dream to enter Dream entered George's room too

"he can't escape it because a third wheel is always an third wheel"

Dream and George laughed while the brunet agreed to him, they sat on to George's bed, they talked for a bit, they discussed about their gaming channel and what to post about it, Dream doze off to their conversation and asked this to himself

is it an good thing to feel this towards your best friend?, is it wrong?, why are they feeling like this? What do the other say if they confessed each others feeling?, are they gonna reject each other or maybe they're just going to ignore each other

But that will never happen, all they need is to someone will confess first, I'm sure that the other will be glad because they liked each other but this two are too afraid to be rejected and causing it to ruin their friendship

But Dream, he can't help himself, he all wanted to be with George, make him his, tell him that he always love him, he needs him and he really need him now,

Dream can't resist but to flirt with him here and there makes him wonder if the brunet has feelings for him, he can't help himself, he really can't, what does it feel like to kiss this brunet

kissing him softly like an tide in the ocean slowly turning to heavy waves, synching to every movements that the other makes and yet turning to an hard and lustful moment, kissing his neck and hear him giggles

The florida man wondered all of that, wanted to feel that sensation washed over him, he wants to make George his, "D..eam?, Dream?, Dream earth to Dream?" George said waving his hand to his face

Dream snap and grabbed George's wrist harsh fully and forcefully pinned him to the bed, George was shocked at the movements Dream made

And there they were, Dream was on top of the flustered brunet who's still  comprehending this situation

George was speechless, he can't make an single word out of his mouth, his heart was thumping through his ear and eyes scanned to the person on top of him, he only saw something through Dream eyes, what was that?

"D-Dream what are you-"

Something cuts his sentence as he feels an pair of lips kissing to his, needing and pleading to the same, he really wants this brunet to kiss him back, that's all he wanted to ask, just like me back

George eventually kissed him, the brunet was full of butterflies that wanted to get out to his stomach, he was an cherry red on top of the pinkish Dream

They kissed softly, gently like the other was going to break, so fragile that it can be shattered by an simple touch to the other make

Their moves were sync, Dream's burning passion was melting him alive, he wanted more of this, this wasn't enough to him, he wanted more

George slowly pulled back to the kiss, breathing heavily because of this, because of him

Dream stared at the brunet under him, his messy hair was loosen all over his face, his flushed face and gorgeous shimmering eyes, his soft lips that he kissed earlier,

Wait, Dream thought, I..i kissed him??, I fucking kissed him??, my best friend??, when-

Dream was panicking on top of George, what would George react to this??, is he going to reject him??

"G-George I..Im-" Dream was struggling to get the right words out, I've lost control George, please forgive me

" sorry George that i-", George rolled his eyes but leaned in once again

Dream was surprised but melted right to it, this kiss was not like earlier but it was long and passionate

Dream traveled through George's neck, kissing and bitting to it making George moaned when Dream caught his sensitive spot and the blond started leave kisses to it

George was tugging Dream's shirt off, Dream eventually removed his clothing and the brunet too

The blond kissed George again, hard and full of love, George groaned when something uncomfortable is rising to his pants

Dream looked at the brunet and admired the creation he made under him and continue what he was doing, George looked at the florida man while trying to remove his pants

the actions made Dream stopped and George whined, Dream smirked, "your really needy aren't you baby?, are you really sure you wanted to do this?"

George looked away, embarrassed as he nod

"if you call me baby then can I call you daddy?"

Dream widened his eyes and smiled, "of course, you can call me whatever you want darling, but you only call me that when we're having seggs"

George was flustered about that, why is he flustered about it?, they are going to do it today


Grass. Stay hydrated and alive!
-me (im_depressed_help)

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