Chapter 14

565 14 7

ᴅᴀʏ 3, ғᴇʙʀᴜᴀʀʏ 26, 2021
[ғᴏᴜʀ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴅᴀʏs ᴜɴᴛɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴘᴀʀᴛᴜʀᴇ]

"how about we go to the beach?"

Dream said laying on their bed, "mmhh, yeah sure, I can explore the beach" George said laying on Dream's chest

"we can get up now"


"c'mon George, get up"

Dream slowly picked up George from his chest, George didn't let go but he held tight to his boyfriend, snuggling close to him

Dream heart's flutter because of the brunet, he was so lucky to have him, everything that's important, he's world, he's love was in his arms, gripping him tightly while the brunet slept, Dream will never let George go, he's too important to him

Dream maked his way to the living room while carrying George in his arms, "oh you awake Dream?"

Sapnap said in the living room watching TV, "oh morning sapnap, is there something for breakfast?"

"yeah, c'mon let's eat, I was going to wake you two up but I got distracted on the tv"

Sapnap smiled and left the couch, the kitchen smells like coffee and bread, milk was vicible to the table, "hey George wake up, I'm going to let you sown ok?, you need to eat"


Dream smiled and gently set down his boyfriend, "what do you want?, coffee or milk?", "is tea in the list?"

"no we have no tea here", sapnap said sipping his coffee

"oh, milk then"

"ok love, wait a minute okay?"

George blushed at the nickname, "sure.."

This two are making me sick, sapnap thought eating his bread while watching them interact

"y'know what?, I can't stan watching you two go lovey dovey and shit, it's making me feel lonely" sapnap said jokingly gagging

Dream laughed, "we can go to the beach?, I'm sure we'll have an great time there"

"yeah right and watch you two flirt?, no way"

"oh c'mon sap, we promise that we will stop flirting in front of you, we can spend our day running and swimming at the beach"

"if you say so then I'm down"


"sapnap hurry up!, your so slow!"

George said while buckling his seat belt, "I'm com'n, jeez" sapnap closed the trunk with an loud thump

The texan jogged and entered the car, he buckled his seat belt, "is everyone set?" Dream said roaring the car to life


"extra clothes?"





"can't forget that one so yup"

"are the cats fed?"


Dream looked at sapnap, "are you sure?", "yup"

George giggled, "Dream come on, we're set and ready to go, I've doubled check everything before sapnap loaded the bags"

"I'm trusting you George", Dream started the car and made their way to the beach, "hey sap?, can you put on some musics?" Dream asked, "yeah sure"

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